Duniverse / Games / Emperor : Battle for Dune

Map Submission Guidelines:

Here are the guidelines for submitting your map to FED2k. If they are not followed your map will not be posted.

1. You must submit maps in .cmf format. That will require you to get Map Packer (~400KB). This program will ensure you have the correct files and makes my job a lot easier.

2. Once that is completed email your map to Gobalopper.

Please base your readme file on the readme maker included with the Map Packer program.

If you are unsure how to create thumbnails do the following. Once you finish click the "view map" option and then hit "T" once it loads, this will save a .TGA file to your map editor directory. After that you can edit the file basing it on the "!05%thumb.tga" file you got with the map editor. If you don't have an image editor just use this image as the thumb and I will fix it for you.

If for some reason you cannot email your maps to me you can also provide a URL to the map file.

Site created January 15, 1998.
© Jesse Reid, All Rights Reserved, 2025.