Special Units

Raider Trike

Type: Quick Strike/Recon
House: Ordos
Requirements: Light Vehicle Factory
Range: Short
Speed: 90km/h
Armor: Light
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to almost everything but better than the Trike
Abilities: The Raider Trike has better weapons, speed, and armor then a Trike. Effective against infantry in hit and run missions

Type: Battlefield Support
House: Ordos
Requirements: IX Research Center
and Heavy Factory
Range: Medium
Speed: 30km/h
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to nearly all types of weapons
Abilities: This unit will cause no actual damage to the units. It fires a warhead which changes the allegiance of the vehicle for a time but does not effect infantry units

Type: Special Forces
House: Ordos
Requirements: Ordos Palace
Range: N/A
Speed: 15km/h foot
Armor: Light
Vulnerabilities: Resistant to anti-tank weapons but vulnerable to explosive and infantry
Abilities: The Saboteur can enter a building, immediatly destroy it

Type: Attack Aircraft
House: Atreides
Requirements: High Tech Factory upgraded
Range: N/A
Speed: 340km/h
Armor: Light
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to only missiles
Abilities: Fastest unit on Dune and drops bombs on the targets below. Effective against infantry but once given the command to strike it immediatly heads to that location
Sonic Tank

Type: Advanced Battle Tank
House: Atreides
Requirements: IX Research Center and Heavy Factory
Range: Medium
Speed: 44km/h
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and explosives but vulnerable to missiles and tanks
Abilities: It fires a sound wave in a form of a sonic wave which is very effective against infantry and lightly armored vehicles. All units in the path of the sonic wave will be damaged

Type: Ground Based Military
House: Atreides
Requirements: Atreides Palace
Range: Medium
Speed: 17km/h foot
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Resistant to anti-tank weapons but vulnerable to other infantry and explosives
Abilities: Fremen are the warriors of Dune, they know the planet and are effective against any targets. Fremen are stealth units and can only be seen once they come within range of other infantry units

Type: Advanced Battle Tank
House: Harkonnen
Requirements: IX Research Center
and Heavy Factory
Range: Medium
Speed: 30km/h
Armor: Heavy
Vulnerabilities: Resistant to nearly everything, but is somewhat vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons
Abilities: The most powerful tank on the planet but slow to move and reload. It uses atomic power and fires dual plasma charges but can become unstable when greatly damaged. Also can be set to self-destruct causeing damage to the surrounding area
Death Hand

Type: Battlefield Support Missile
House: Harkonnen
Requirements: Harkonnen Palace
Range: N/A
Speed: 700km/h
Armor: Light
Abilities: Carries multiple warheads of atomic power which causes damage to wide areas but innacurate at times

Type: Ground Based Infantry
House: Emperor
Requirements: Barracks
Range: Medium
Speed: 15km/h foot
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to explosives and infantry but resistant to anti-tank weapons
Abilities: The Sardaukar are elite troops that will fire missiles against armored units and machine guns against other infantry

Type: Interstellar Shuttle
House: All (through CHOAM)
Requirements: Starport
Range: N/A
Speed: 250km/h
Abilities: The Frigate will deliver the units ordered from the Starport but is not controllable
Sand Worm

Type: Indigenous to Dune
House: N/A
Range: N/A
Speed: 30km/h
Armor: Heavy
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to missiles and tanks but resistant to infantry and explosives, difficult to destroy
Abilities: The Sand Worm is attracted by vibrations in the sand, it will eat units whole and has a large appetite
Site created January 15, 1998.
© Jesse Reid, All Rights Reserved, 2025.