
Construction Yard

Type: Production Facility
Requirements: MCV
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Strong but weaker when attacked in numbers
Abilities: This structure needs no power and needs to be protected at all costs as it is the center of your base
Concrete Slabs

Type: Foundation
Requirements: Construction Yard
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Concrete is usually destroyed after being hit so it must be replaced or left as it can't be repaired
Abilities: Concrete provides a base for the buildings and if not used the building will start out with half damage. They can be built in groups of six
Spice Refinery

Type: Industrial Facility
Requirements: Wind Trap
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to all types of weapons
Abilities: The Refinery is used to convert the harvested spice into credits which are then used to purchase buildings and units. The Refinery can hold 1000 credits and provides you with a harvester when built
Wind Trap

Type: Power Plant
Requirements: Construction Yard
Armor: Light
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: Wind Traps will provide power to the base by collecting the wind and converting it with turbines
Spice Silo

Type: Storehouse
Requirements: Refinery
Armor: Light
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: This is used to store the excess spice and is evenly distributed equally among all silos. All excess spice is lost
Infantry Barracks
Type: Production Facility
Requirements: Wind Trap
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: They provide a place to train your infantry. When upgraded you can train more advanced units
Radar Outpost

Type: Surveillance Structure
Requirements: Barracks
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: With enough power the Radar Outpost will give you a map of the playing field
Light Factory

Type: Production Facility
Requirements: Refinery
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: Light Factory produces light vehicles like the Trike, when upgraded you can produce more advanced units
Heavy Factory

Type: Production Facility
Requirements: Refinery
Armor: Heavy
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: You can produce tracked units like tanks and when upgraded you can produce more advanced vehicles
Gun Turret

Type: Ground Based Turret
Requirements: Outpost
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and explosive but vulnerable missiles and tank based weapons
Abilities: Provides basic protection against assaults
Rocket Turret

Type: Ground Based
Requirements: Outpost
Armor: Heavy
Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and explosive but vulnerable missiles and tank based weapons
Abilities: The Rocket Turret has longer range and faster reload than the Gun Turret but it requires power to operate
Repair Pad

Type: Repair Facility
Requirements: Heavy Factory
Armor: Medium
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: You need this structure in order to repair your damaged vehicles

Type: Production Facility
Requirements: Outpost
Armor: Heavy
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: This allows you to trade with CHOAM and purchase units at varying prices which are delivered by a Frigate
High Tech Factory

Type: Production Facility
Requirements: Outpost
Armor: Light
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: The High Tech Factory is required to produce Carryalls. House Atreides can upgrade to get Ornithopters for an air strike
IX Research Center

Type: Tech Facility
Requirements: Outpost
Armor: Light
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: The IX Research Center provides you with technology upgrades which entitles you  to advanced units and weapons

Type: Capitol Building
Requirements: IX Research Center
Armor: Heavy
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to most weapons
Abilities: Palaces are used to provide your house with the special options for your house and become the center of your operations
Site created January 15, 1998.
© Jesse Reid, All Rights Reserved, 2025.