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Melange - Units:

5. Contents: Units

  1. Unit Hierarchies
    1. Atreides Unit Hierarchy
    2. Harkonnen Unit Hierarchy
    3. Ordos Unit Hierarchy
    4. Corrino Unit Hierarchy
  2. Legends
    1. Legend for Voice Clips
    2. Legend for Statistic Ranges
    3. Description for Weapon Types
    4. Resistance of Armour Types
    5. Unit Quick-Reference
    6. General Unit Traits
  3. Infantry
    1. Basic Infantry
      1. Light Infantry
        1. Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos Light Infantry
        2. Corrino Light Sardaukar
      2. Medium Infantry
        1. Atreides, Ordos Medium Infantry
        2. Corrino Medium Sardaukar
      3. Heavy Infantry
        1. Atreides Heavy Infantry
        2. Harkonnen Heavy Infantry
        3. Ordos Heavy Infantry
        4. Corrino Heavy Sardaukar
      4. Heavy Weapons Team
      5. Mortar Crew
      6. Mine Layer
    2. Special Forces
      1. Atreides Special Forces (Fremen)
        1. Fremen Warrior
        2. Fremen Naib
        3. Fedaykin Death Commando
        4. Hookman
          1. Sandrider
      2. Harkonnen Special Forces (Sappers)
        1. Flamer
        2. Razer
        3. Enforcer
      3. Ordos Special Forces (Terrorists)
        1. Marauder
        2. Saboteur
        3. Assassin
          1. Hunter Seeker
      4. Corrino Special Forces (Noukkers)
        1. Sniper
        2. Vaporiser
        3. Miner
    3. Support Infantry
      1. Field Medic
      2. Salvager
      3. Scientist
      4. Espionage Units
        1. Atreides, Corrino Bene Gesserit
        2. Harkonnen Face Dancer
        3. Ordos Spy
    4. House Commanders
      1. Atreides Heroes
        1. Gurney Halleck
        2. Duncan Idaho
        3. Stilgar
      2. Harkonnen Heroes
        1. Count Glossu 'Beast' Rabban
        2. Guard Captain Iakin Nefud
        3. Doctor Yueh
      3. Ordos Heroes
        1. Torbin Jarrett
        2. Siguld Krieger
      4. Corrino Heroes
        1. Count Fenring
        2. Derrik Syrann
        3. Marius Alethea Blasco
  4. Vehicles
    1. Light Vehicles
      1. Atreides, Harkonnen Trike
      2. Ordos Raider Trike
      3. Corrino Trike
      4. Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos Jeep
      5. Corrino Jeep
      6. Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos Quad
      7. Corrino Quad
    2. Heavy Vehicles
      1. Rocket Launchers
        1. Missile Tank
        2. Harkonnen Desolator
        3. Ordos Deceptor
        4. AA Tank
      2. Basic Tanks
        1. Tiger Tank
        2. Combat Tank
        3. Behemoth Tank
      3. Siege Tank
    3. Advanced Vehicles
      1. Atreides Unique Vehicles
        1. Chameleon
        2. Sandborer
        3. Sonic Tank
      2. Harkonnen Unique Vehicles
        1. Dragon
        2. Devastator
        3. Demolisher
      3. Ordos Unique Vehicles
        1. Crippler
        2. Deviator
        3. Corroder
      4. Corrino Unique Vehicles
        1. Suspensor Boat
        2. Scorpion
        3. Vortex Tank
      5. Crate-Only Special Vehicles
        1. Flux Tank
        2. Carrier Tank
    4. Support Vehicles
      1. Harvester
      2. Unique Harvesters
        1. Atreides Subterranean Harvester
        2. Harkonnen Armed Harvester
        3. Ordos Stealth Harvester
        4. Corrino Suspensor Harvester
      3. Trojan Personnel Carrier
      4. Hyena Salvager Transport
      5. Atreides Mobile Airbay
      6. Harkonnen Mobile Vehicle Factory
      7. Ordos Mobile Starport
      8. Corrino Mobile Barracks
      9. Mobile Construction Vehicle
  5. Aircraft
    1. Standard Aircraft
      1. Light Ornithopter
      2. Medium Ornithopter
      3. Heavy Ornithopter
      4. Atreides Falcon
      5. Corrino Gargoyle
      6. Atreides Defender
      7. Harkonnen Necromancer
      8. Ordos Concealer
      9. Corrino Silencer
      10. Ornithopter Airstrike
      11. Carryall
      12. Aerial Troop Transport
      13. Combat Drop
    2. Unique Bombers
      1. Atreides Wraith
      2. Harkonnen Phoenix
      3. Ordos Cobra
      4. Corrino Wyvern
    3. Tactical Missiles
      1. Generic Missiles
        1. Hurricane Missile
        2. Disruption Missile
        3. Cluster Missile
      2. Unique Missiles
        1. Atreides Electrosonic Pulse Missile
        2. Harkonnen Inferno Missile
        3. Ordos Nerve Gas Missile
        4. Corrino Neutron Missile
  6. Non-Player Units
    1. Sandworm
    2. Frigate
    3. Crusher Airstrike

1. Unit Hierarchies

2. Atreides Unit Hierarchy

Barracks Light Infantry Medium Infantry Atreides Heavy Infantry Heavy Weapons Team Mortar Crew
Barracks & Hospital Medic        
Barracks & Repair Pad Salvager Mine Layer      
Barracks & Ix Research Centre Scientist        
Upgraded Barracks Light Infantry Medium Infantry Atreides Heavy Infantry Heavy Weapons Team Mortar Crew
Fremen Warrior Fremen Naib Fedaykin Death Commando Fremen Hookman  
Hookman & Captured Sandworm Atreides Sandrider        
Upgraded Barracks & Hospital Medic        
Upgraded Barracks & Repair Pad Salvager        
Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research Centre Scientist Bene Gesserit      
Vehicle Factory Trike Jeep Quad    
Missile Tank AA Tank      
Tiger Tank Combat Tank Behemoth Tank Siege Tank  
Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Atreides Chameleon Atreides Sandborer Atreides Sonic Tank    
Refinery / Vehicle Factory (Requires Refinery) Harvester        
Advanced Refinery / Vehicle Factory (Requires Advanced Refinery) Harvester Atreides Subterranean Harvester      
Vehicle Factory & Barracks Trojan Personnel Carrier        
Vehicle Factory & Repair Pad Hyena Salvager Transport Mobile Construction Vehicle      
Vehicle Factory & Command Outpost Atreides Mobile Airbay        
Airbay Light Ornithopter Medium Ornithopter Heavy Ornithopter Atreides Defender  
Airbay & Refinery / Advanced Refinery Carryall        
Airbay & Barracks Aerial Troop Transport        
Command Outpost, Airbay & Barracks Combat Drop        
Airbay & Ix Research Centre Atreides Falcon Atreides Wraith      
Palace Ornithopter Airstrike        
Missile Attack Centre Hurricane Missile Disruption Missile Cluster Missile    
Missile Attack Centre &
Ix Research Centre
Atreides Electrosonic Pulse Missile        

2. Harkonnen Unit Hierarchy

Barracks Light Infantry Medium Infantry Harkonnen Heavy Infantry Heavy Weapons Team Mortar Crew
Barracks & Hospital Medic        
Barracks & Repair Pad Salvager Mine Layer      
Barracks & Ix Research Centre Scientist        
Upgraded Barracks Light Infantry Medium Infantry Harkonnen Heavy Infantry Heavy Weapons Team Mortar Crew
Harkonnen Flamer Harkonnen Razer Harkonnen Enforcer    
Upgraded Barracks & Hospital Medic        
Upgraded Barracks & Repair Pad Salvager        
Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research Centre Scientist Face Dancer      
Vehicle Factory Trike Jeep Quad    
Missile Tank Harkonnen Desolator AA Tank    
Tiger Tank Combat Tank Behemoth Tank Siege Tank  
Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Harkonnen Dragon Harkonnen Devastator Harkonnen Demolisher    
Refinery / Vehicle Factory (Requires Refinery) Harvester        
Advanced Refinery / Vehicle Factory (Requires Advanced Refinery) Harvester Harkonnen Armed Harvester      
Vehicle Factory & Barracks Trojan Personnel Carrier        
Vehicle Factory & Repair Pad Hyena Salvager Transport Harkonnen Mobile Vehicle Factory Mobile Construction Vehicle    
Airbay Light Ornithopter Medium Ornithopter Heavy Ornithopter Harkonnen Necromancer  
Airbay & Refinery / Advanced Refinery Carryall        
Airbay & Barracks Aerial Troop Transport        
Command Outpost, Airbay & Barracks Combat Drop        
Airbay & Ix Research Centre Harkonnen Phoenix        
Palace Ornithopter Airstrike        
Missile Attack Centre Hurricane Missile Disruption Missile Cluster Missile    
Missile Attack Centre &
Ix Research Centre
Harkonnen Inferno Missile        

3. Ordos Unit Hierarchy

Barracks Light Infantry Medium Infantry Ordos Heavy Infantry Heavy Weapons Team Mortar Crew
Barracks & Hospital Medic        
Barracks & Repair Pad Salvager Mine Layer      
Barracks & Ix Research Centre Scientist        
Upgraded Barracks Light Infantry Medium Infantry Ordos Heavy Infantry Heavy Weapons Team Mortar Crew
Ordos Marauder Ordos Saboteur Ordos Assassin    
Ordos Assassin & Active Hunter Seeker Console Ordos Hunter Seeker        
Upgraded Barracks & Hospital Medic        
Upgraded Barracks & Repair Pad Salvager        
Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research Centre Scientist Ordos Spy      
Vehicle Factory Ordos Raider Trike Jeep Quad    
Ordos Deceptor AA Tank      
Tiger Tank Combat Tank Behemoth Tank Siege Tank  
Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Ordos Crippler Ordos Deviator Ordos Corroder    
Refinery / Vehicle Factory (Requires Refinery) Harvester        
Advanced Refinery / Vehicle Factory (Requires Advanced Refinery) Harvester Ordos Stealth Harvester      
Vehicle Factory & Barracks Trojan Personnel Carrier        
Vehicle Factory & Repair Pad Hyena Salvager Transport Mobile Construction Vehicle      
Vehicle Factory & Starport Ordos Mobile Starport        
Airbay Light Ornithopter Medium Ornithopter Heavy Ornithopter Ordos Concealer  
Airbay & Refinery / Advanced Refinery Carryall        
Airbay & Barracks Aerial Troop Transport        
Command Outpost, Airbay & Barracks Combat Drop        
Airbay & Ix Research Centre Ordos Cobra        
Palace Ornithopter Airstrike        
Missile Attack Centre Hurricane Missile Disruption Missile Cluster Missile    
Missile Attack Centre &
Ix Research Centre
Ordos Nerve Gas Missile        

4. Corrino Unit Hierarchy

Barracks Corrino Light Sardaukar Corrino Medium Sardaukar Corrino Heavy Sardaukar Heavy Weapons Team Mortar Crew
Barracks & Hospital Medic        
Barracks & Repair Pad Salvager Mine Layer      
Barracks & Ix Research Centre Scientist        
Upgraded Barracks Corrino Light Sardaukar Corrino Medium Sardaukar Corrino Heavy Sardaukar Heavy Weapons Team Mortar Crew
Corrino Sniper Corrino Vaporiser Corrino Miner    
Upgraded Barracks & Hospital Medic        
Upgraded Barracks & Repair Pad Salvager        
Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research Centre Scientist Bene Gesserit      
Vehicle Factory Corrino Trike Corrino Jeep Corrino Quad    
Missile Tank   AA Tank    
Tiger Tank Combat Tank Behemoth Tank Siege Tank  
Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Corrino Suspensor Boat Corrino Vortex Tank Corrino Scorpion    
Refinery / Vehicle Factory (Requires Refinery) Harvester        
Advanced Refinery / Vehicle Factory (Requires Advanced Refinery) Harvester Corrino Suspensor Harvester      
Vehicle Factory & Barracks Trojan Personnel Carrier        
Vehicle Factory & Repair Pad Hyena Salvager Transport Mobile Construction Vehicle      
Vehicle Factory & Barracks Corrino Mobile Barracks        
Airbay Light Ornithopter Medium Ornithopter Heavy Ornithopter Corrino Silencer  
Airbay & Refinery / Advanced Refinery Carryall        
Airbay & Barracks Aerial Troop Transport        
Command Outpost, Airbay & Barracks Combat Drop        
Airbay & Ix Research Centre Corrino Gargoyle Corrino Wyvern      
Palace Ornithopter Airstrike        
Missile Attack Centre Hurricane Missile Disruption Missile Cluster Missile    
Missile Attack Centre &
Ix Research Centre
Corrino Neutron Missile        

2. Legends

1. Legend for Voice Clips

  • Sel = Select; Played when you click on a Unit
  • Con = Confirm; Played when Unit is commanded to perform an action (move, attack, etc)

2. Legend for Statistic Ranges

Armour TypeArmour StrengthHealthRange
None WeakVery Short
Flak JacketLow
Power SuitLow
StrongVery Long

3. Description for Weapon Types

Bullet weapons are instant, accurate weapons, which are usually short-ranged but have an excellent firing rate. These weapons become proportionally ineffective as the enemy's armour becomes stronger. Examples include Light Infantry, Trikes and the Gun Turret.

Missiles are armour-piercing weapons, usually suffering from a degree of inaccuracy. They are often capable of considerable range, and are particularly effective against armoured targets. Most missile weapons are also capable of attacking Aircraft. Examples include Medium Infantry, the Missile Turret, Quads, and Missile Tanks.

High Caliber Guns incorporate most conventional tank shell-based armaments. Like Missiles, these weapons are best employed for their armour-piercing potential, but are ineffective against lightly armoured Units, such as Infantry. Examples include most Battle Tanks, such as the Tiger, Combat and Behemoth Tanks, in varying degrees of strength.

High Explosives vary in accuracy, depending on the specific Unit. They are particularly effective against Infantry, Light Armour and some Structures. Incendiary (Fire-based) weapons, such as flame-throwers and bombs, are also in this category. Examples would be the Harkonnen Dragon, and Harkonnen Flame Turret.

Special Weapons are high-tech weapons usually highly effective against most targets. Examples are Corrino lasguns, and Atreides sonic weapons.

4. Resistance of Armour Types

Armour TypeBulletMissilesHigh Caliber GunsHigh Explosives/FireSpecial Weapon
NoneVery VulnerableVery VulnerableVery VulnerableVery VulnerableVery Vulnerable
Flak JacketVery VulnerableResistantVulnerableResistantVery Vulnerable
Power SuitVulnerableResistantResistantVulnerableVulnerable
LightVulnerableVulnerableLess EffectiveVulnerableVulnerable
HeavyVery ResistantVulnerableVulnerableVery ResistantResistant
ShieldVery ResistantResistantResistantVulnerableVery Vulnerable

* The above table shows resistance values for Medium-strength of each Armour Type. For Low- and High- quality Armour, the Armour becomes respectively more or less effective. For None or Shield there is no range, as Armour quality is not an issue in these two cases.

5. Unit Quick-Reference

Unit Name Pri. Armament Sec. Armament A. Type A. Str. Health Speed Range Cost Requires House
Light Infantry 9mm RP Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher (Sergeant) Flak Jacket Low Weak 10 Short 50 Barracks Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos
Corrino Light Sardaukar 9mm RP Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher (Sergeant) Flak Jacket Medium Low 15 Short 50 Barracks Corrino
Medium Infantry Rocket Launcher None Power Suit Low Weak 6 Medium 100 Barracks Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos
Corrino Medium Sardaukar AP Rocket Launcher None Power Suit Medium Low 11 Medium 100 Barracks Corrino
Atreides Heavy Infantry Weirding Module None Flak Jacket / Shield Medium Low 12 Long 150 Barracks Atreides
Harkonnen Heavy Infantry Gatling Gun None Flak Jacket / Shield Medium Low 12 Medium 150 Barracks Harkonnen
Ordos Heavy Infantry Toxic Gas Discharger None Flak Jacket / Shield Medium Low 12 Short 150 Barracks Ordos
Corrino Heavy Sardaukar Lasgun Pistol None Power Suit High Medium 13 Medium 150 Barracks Corrino
Heavy Weapons Team 20mm Tripod Gun None Flak Jacket High High 6 Medium 200 Barracks All
Mortar Crew 82mm Mortar None Flak Jacket High High 8 Long 250 Barracks All
Mine Layer Mines (3 types) None Flak Jacket Low High 10 N/A 300 Barracks & Repair Pad All
Fremen Warrior Maula Pistol None None   High 16 Short 250 Upgraded Barracks Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen
Fremen Naib Tarpel Gun None Flak Jacket High High 18 Medium 300 Upgraded Barracks Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen
Fedaykin Death Commando Weirding Module None Flak Jacket High High 18 Medium 400 Upgraded Barracks Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen (Atreides Alliance)
Fremen Hookman Maker Hooks Thumper None   High 14 N/A 350 Upgraded Barracks Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen
Atreides Sandrider Appetite None Heavy High Strong 80 N/A N/A Hookman's Captured Sandworm Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen
Harkonnen Flamer Flamethrower None Flak Jacket Medium Medium 8 Short 250 Upgraded Barracks Harkonnen
Harkonnen Razer Mole Launcher None Flak Jacket Medium Medium 10 Medium 300 Upgraded Barracks Harkonnen
Harkonnen Enforcer Plasma Revolver None Flak Jacket Medium Medium 10 Short 350 Upgraded Barracks Harkonnen
Ordos Marauder Plague Pistol Theft None   Medium 12 Short 250 Upgraded Barracks Ordos
Ordos Saboteur Explosives Remote Charge None   Medium 15 N/A 300 Upgraded Barracks Ordos
Ordos Assassin Hijack Hunter Seeker None   Medium 14 N/A 350 Upgraded Barracks Ordos
Ordos Hunter Seeker Poison Tip None None   Weak 100 N/A N/A Active Assassin Ordos
Corrino Sniper Sniper Rifle None Flak Jacket Low High 14 Long 250 Upgraded Barracks Corrino
Corrino Vaporiser Drainage Rifle None Flak Jacket High High 12 Medium 300 Upgraded Barracks Corrino
Corrino Miner Mines (3 types) Random Teleport Flak Jacket High High 10 N/A 350 Upgraded Barracks Corrino
Field Medic Heal Narcotic None   Weak 10 Medium 200 Hospital All
Salvager Cutting Torch Repair Kit Flak Jacket Low Weak 10 N/A 220 Repair Pad All
Scientist Slow Pellet Stunner Converter None   Weak 5 Short 200 Ix Research Centre All
Bene Gesserit Interrogate Persuade None   Medium 12 Medium 350 Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research Centre Atreides, Corrino
Harkonnen Bene Tleilaxu Imitate/Deceive Infiltrate None   Medium 10 Medium 350 Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research Centre Harkonnen
Ordos Spy Infiltrate None None   Medium 14 N/A 350 Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research Centre Ordos
Gurney Halleck 9mm RP Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher Flak Jacket / Shield High Strong 15 Short N/A N/A Atreides
Duncan Idaho 9mm RP Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher Flak Jacket High Strong 20 Short N/A N/A Atreides
Stilgar Weirding Module Maker Hooks None   Strong 18 Medium N/A N/A Atreides
Glossu 'Beast' Rabban Plasma Revolver Plastic Explosive Flak Jacket / Shield High Strong 8 Short N/A N/A Harkonnen
Guard Captain Iakin Nefud Multi-Chamber Grenade Launcher Plastic Explosive Flak Jacket High Strong 10 Medium N/A N/A Harkonnen
Doctor Yueh Heal Narcotic None   Medium 12 Medium N/A N/A Harkonnen
Torbin Jarrett Hijack Infiltrate Flak Jacket High Strong 14 N/A N/A N/A Ordos
Siguld Krieger Installer None Flak Jacket High Strong 15 Very Short N/A N/A Ordos
Count Fenring Stasis Cannon Teleport Beacon Flak Jacket High Strong 15 Long N/A N/A Corrino
Derrik Syrann Lasgun Pistol None Power Suit High Strong 13 Medium N/A N/A Corrino
Marius Alethea Blasco Interrogate Persuade None   Medium 12 Medium N/A N/A Corrino
Trike Heavy Machine Guns None Light / Shield Low Low 72 Short 300 Vehicle Factory Atreides, Harkonnen
Ordos Raider Trike Dual 20mm Cannons None Light / Shield Low Low 90 Short 320 Vehicle Factory Ordos
Corrino Trike Heavy Machine Guns None Light Low Low 72 Short 300 Vehicle Factory Corrino
Jeep M-60 Machinegun None Light / Shield Medium Low 65 Short 350 Vehicle Factory Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos
Corrino Jeep M-60 Machinegun None Light Medium Low 65 Short 350 Vehicle Factory Corrino
Quad Dual AP Rocket Cannons None Light / Shield High Medium 59 Short 400 Vehicle Factory Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos
Corrino Quad Dual AP Rocket Cannons None Light High Medium 59 Short 400 Vehicle Factory Corrino
Missile Tank 227mm Rocket Launcher None Medium Medium Medium 40 Long 900 Vehicle Factory Atreides, Harkonnen, Corrino
Harkonnen Desolator "Firesphere" Rocket Launcher None Medium Low Medium 40 Long 950 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Harkonnen
Ordos Deceptor Baradye Cannon None Medium Medium Medium 40 Long 950 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Ordos
AA Tank 35mm AA Missile Launcher None Medium High Medium 45 Medium 850 Vehicle Factory All
Tiger Tank 75mm Cannon None Light Medium Low 50 Medium 550 Vehicle Factory All
Combat Tank 105mm Cannon None Medium Medium Medium 40 Medium 700 Vehicle Factory All
Behemoth Tank Dual 105mm Cannons None Heavy Medium High 30 Medium 850 Vehicle Factory All
Siege Tank 200mm Artillery Cannon None Medium Low Medium 20 Very Long (Extreme) 1000 Vehicle Factory All
Atreides Chameleon Smoke Grenade Launcher Sonic Boom Light Medium Medium 45 Short 700 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Atreides
Atreides Sandborer Electrosonic Resonator Electrical Field Discharge Medium High Medium 35 Medium 900 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Atreides
Atreides Sonic Tank Sonic Amplifier None Medium Medium Medium 44 Medium 1000 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Atreides
Harkonnen Dragon Dual Flame Cannons None Medium High Low 30 Short 900 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Harkonnen
Harkonnen Devastator Dual Plasma Charges None Heavy Medium High 25 Short 1050 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Harkonnen
Harkonnen Demolisher 345.5kg Atomic Warhead Projector None Light Low Medium 15 Very Long 1200 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Harkonnen
Ordos Crippler Electronic Degenerator None Light Medium Low 60 Medium 900 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Ordos
Ordos Deviator "Defector" Gas Missile Discharger None Medium Medium Medium 30 Medium 1000 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Ordos
Ordos Corroder Polymer Acid Spitter None Medium High High 32 Short 1100 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Ordos
Corrino Suspensor Boat Torpedo Launcher None Light Low Medium 45 Long 800 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Corrino
Corrino Scorpion Lasgun Cannon None eavy Low Medium 30 Medium 1100 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Corrino
Corrino Vortex Tank Chron Portal Generator None Medium High Medium 20 Medium 1500 Vehicle Factory & Ix Research Centre Corrino
Flux Tank Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable N/A N/A Crate
Carrier Tank None None Light Medium Low 50 N/A N/A N/A Crate
Harvester None None Heavy High High 12 N/A 1200 Vehicle Factory & (Advanced) Refinery All
Atreides Subterranean Harvester None None Heavy Low High 10 N/A 1500 Vehicle Factory & Advanced Refinery Atreides
Harkonnen Armed Harvester Rotating Roof-mounted Gun None Heavy Low High 10 Short 1500 Vehicle Factory & Advanced Refinery Harkonnen
Ordos Stealth Harvester None None Medium Medium High 15 N/A 1500 Vehicle Factory & Advanced Refinery Ordos
Corrino Suspensor Harvester None None Light High High 20 N/A 1500 Vehicle Factory & Advanced Refinery Corrino
Trojan Personnel Carrier None None Heavy Low Medium 45 N/A 900 Vehicle Factory & Barracks All
Hyena Salvager Transport None None Medium Medium High 35 N/A 1000 Vehicle Factory & Repair Pad All
Atreides Mobile Airbay None None Medium Medium High 15 N/A 900 Vehicle Factory & Command Outpost Atreides
Harkonnen Mobile Vehicle Factory None None Medium High High 15 N/A 2000 Vehicle Factory & Repair Pad Harkonnen
Ordos Mobile Starport None None Medium High High 15 N/A 2000 Vehicle Factory & Starport Ordos
Corrino Mobile Barracks None None Medium High High 15 N/A 1000 Vehicle Factory & Barracks Corrino
Mobile Construction Vehicle None None Medium High High 15 N/A 2000 Vehicle Factory & Repair Pad All
Light Ornithopter Air-to-Air Missiles None Light Low Low 400 Medium 800 Airbay All
Medium Ornithopter Chaingun None Medium Low Low 350 Short 1000 Airbay All
Heavy Ornithopter Battle Support Rockets None Medium Low Low 320 Short 1200 Airbay All
Atreides Falcon Air-to-Surface "Earthshaker" Missile Launcher None Medium Medium Low 300 Long 1200 Airbay & Ix Research Centre Atreides
Corrino Gargoyle Air-to-Surface Lasgun Cannon None Medium Medium Low 300 Long 1200 Airbay & Ix Research Centre Corrino
Atreides Defender None None Medium Medium Low 80 Long 1200 Airbay Atreides
Harkonnen Necromancer None None Medium Medium Low 80 N/A 1200 Airbay Harkonnen
Ordos Concealer None None Medium Medium Low 80 Long 1200 Airbay Ordos
Corrino Silencer None None Medium Medium Low 80 Long 1200 Airbay Corrino
Ornithopter Airstrike 500lb Bombs None Medium Low Medium 340 N/A N/A Palace All
Carryall None None Heavy Medium Medium 160 N/A 1100 Airbay & (Advanced) Refinery All
Aerial Troop Transport None None Medium High Medium 200 N/A 900 Airbay & Barracks All
Combat Drop 5 Veteran Paratroopers None Medium High Medium 200 N/A N/A Command Outpost, Airbay & Barracks All
Atreides Wraith Liquid Nitrogen Blister Capsules None Medium Low High 150 N/A 1500 Airbay & Ix Research Centre Atreides
Harkonnen Phoenix Incendiary Bombs None Medium Low High 150 N/A 1500 Airbay & Ix Research Centre Harkonnen
Ordos Cobra Deathwater Bombs None Medium Low High 150 N/A 1500 Airbay & Ix Research Centre Ordos
Corrino Wyvern On-board Wired Explosives None Medium Low High 200 N/A 1500 Airbay & Ix Research Centre Corrino
Hurricane Missile Hurricane Warhead None N/A N/A N/A 700 N/A 2500 Missile Attack Centre All
Compact Missile Compact Warhead None N/A N/A N/A 700 N/A 2500 Missile Attack Centre All
Disruption Missile Cluster Warhead None N/A N/A N/A 700 N/A 2500 Missile Attack Centre All
Electrosonic Pulse Missile Electrosonic Warhead None N/A N/A N/A 700 N/A 3000 Missile Attack Centre Atreides
Inferno Missile Inferno Warhead None N/A N/A N/A 700 N/A 3000 Missile Attack Centre Harkonnen
Nerve Gas Missile Nerve Gas Warhead None N/A N/A N/A 700 N/A 3000 Missile Attack Centre Ordos
Neutron Missile Neutron Warhead None N/A N/A N/A 700 N/A 3000 Missile Attack Centre Corrino
Sandworm Appetite None Heavy High Strong 40 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Frigate None None N/A N/A N/A 250 N/A N/A Starport C.H.O.A.M. Merchant's Guild
Crusher Airstrike Crush None Heavy Low Medium 200 N/A N/A Starport C.H.O.A.M. Merchant's Guild

General Unit Traits

  • Attract Sandworms: Movement over sandy terrain causes any nearby Sandworms to be lured towards the vibration, and swallow anything they find.
  • Captain Veterancy (Officer): On gaining the third level of veterancy (Captain), the Unit has become a commissioned Officer. As a seasoned veteran on the battlefield, his presence greatly improves the morale of the troops around him. Any Units that are within "shouting distance" of a Captain will fight more effectively because of his rallying presence. They move faster and fire more precisely. The distance that the Officer effects is indicated by a range circle around him. In addition, there is an indicative symbol next to each effected Unit. Morale returns to normal if the Captain is killed, or a Unit moves outside of his range circle. The effect is not cumulative.
  • Corporal Veterancy: On gaining the first level of veterancy (Corporal), a Unit is granted the Self-Heal ability. When idle, a Unit with this ability will automatically regenerate its health. This will increase the survivability of valuable veteran Units, and therefore reward the player's careful use of particular Units.
  • Damage Effects: With damage, Units move slower, and their attacks become more inaccurate.
  • Ruptured Storage Tanks: Units lose cargo-carrying capacity (pips) with damage (except in case of energy cargos, like Scientists or Medium Infantry suspensors). Also happens to Structures, such as Refineries or Silos.
  • Selectable: Unless stated otherwise, all of a player's Units are visible on the Mini Map, and are selectable. Sandworms can also be targeted and selected.
  • Weight Simulation: Units slow down as they carry more cargo. For example, a full Harvester moves slower than an empty Harvester, and a loaded APC travels slower than one without passengers.

3. Infantry

Standard Infantry Traits:

  • Auto-Scatter: Infantry units will automatically scatter to avoid enemies trying to crush them. As they gain in rank, their scattering reactions will improve.
  • Corpses: As in Dune II, when Infantry are killed, their bodies will remain on the Battlefield, gradually becoming enveloped in sand until they are totally submerged. An exception is when Infantry are struck with an armament strong enough to make them explode, or are squished under Heavy Vehicle tracks, when they will become little more than a crimson smear. Aside from their aesthetic value, the corpses that litter the Battlefield can also be recovered by the Harkonnen Necromancer (if they can be reached in time), and grown as ghola soldiers. Fremen can also reclaim water from corpses to restore their health. Like scrap left by destroyed Vehicles, corpses will be splatted by tracked Vehicles that move over them, and are not treated as obstructions. Units can and will walk over corpses, although movement speed will be reduced at this time.
  • Detector: Infantry have the special ability to reveal camouflaged and cloaked Units within a three cell radius.
  • Footprints: Infantry leave footprints in the sand, betraying their position. They disappear shortly afterwards.
  • Lie Prone: Can lie prone for half of normal weapons damage. An Infantry Unit will automatically fall prone when fired upon, and move by crawling on his belly at half his regular movement rate. The Lie Prone command can be used to toggle between prone and standing states. A prone Infantry Unit can also be forced back onto his feet by double-clicking when giving a Move command.
  • Night Vision: All Infantry have the advantage of maintaining their normal sight range during Night Missions, without revealing themselves with a light source, as the Vehicles do.
  • Passenger: Can travel in transport Units, such as the Trojan APC and Aerial Troop Transport.
  • Rock Climbing: Can climb some mountainous terrain inaccessible to Vehicles, such as Rocky Ground, and can navigate paths through some cliff sides that larger Units cannot penetrate.
  • Spice Addiction: The properties of melange are portrayed on the battlefield. If an Infantry Unit remains standing in a spice field for an extended exposure period, he will become addicted to the spice. This is indicated by an Eye of Ibab icon (a totally blue spice-stained eye) in the top left corner of the on-screen Unit. Although the Unit will gain the ability to regenerate health while standing in spice fields, he will begin to slowly suffer withdrawal damage if denied access to spice for too long (5-10 minutes). Units with Spice Addiction lose the ability to Self-Heal at Corporal rank, though the rate of spice healing will increase and the duration between withdrawal damages will decrease. A unit with Spice Addiction also gains the Immune to Disease ability, and his sight range is upgraded due to the glare filter provided by the Eyes of Ibab.
  • Squashable: Infantry can be flattened by tracked Vehicles.
  • Structure Capture: The system for capturing Structures first seen in Dune II will return in Melange. Though the Engineers used in Command & Conquer are effective, Engineer rush tactics can be a little too devastating. Often an APC full of Engineers (especially if it has burrowing capability) slipped through base defences is more than sufficient to cripple an enemy's base. Attempts were made to compensate for this in Red Alert by making Engineers only capable of capturing Structures that were critically damaged, and sabotaging Structures if this was not the case. However, this made capturing Structures a little too difficult. Often a base would have to be stripped of enemy forces before this process could be initiated. Even when the Engineers had safely penetrated the enemy's defences, the AI would often manage to repair its Structure out of the red range at the critical instant that your precious Engineer entered the Structure, causing you to waste the Engineer in a sabotage. We suspect that we have a system that, combined with the new system where buildings disable when critically damaged, provides the balance between these two extremes. All Infantry Units can capture enemy Structures. Because of this ability, the Infantry class are considerably more valuable. Structure Capturing can only occur if the enemy Structure is disabled (at critical damage, where the health bar is in the red). If this is the case, then an Enter cursor appears over the Structure if an Infantryman or group of Infantry is selected, overriding his standard attack command. Clicking on the Structure will send the Infantryman into the Structure, and it will be placed under your control. The Infantryman is lost in this process. If the Entry attempt is performed with a group of Infantry, then the Infantryman of lowest rank and cheapest Unit type will enter. The cursor does not become available for a group with Infantry is mixed with other Unit classes. The Entry cursor can be over-ridden by force-firing at the Structure. Though this is similar to the Dune II system, unlike their earlier counterparts, Infantry cannot cause damage to Structures by entering them (unless this is a special exception, such as the Ordos Saboteur). If additional balancing is required, then the feature could be included that upon being captured, a Structure's health is not restored to full. It will be under your control, but still disabled. You will have to repair it before it is of any use. Additionally, if this system means that Units capable of capturing Structures are too "common", then it could be implemented that only experienced Infantry have this ability, gained on reaching Corporal rank, for example. It's beyond the scope of your average grunt Private, but a conscript who's seen some time in the field would be more familiar with the enemy's tech.

1. Basic Infantry

Voice Clips for Basic Infantry:

  • Sel1. "Yes sir?"
  • Sel2. "Reporting."
  • Sel3. "Your command?"
  • Sel4. "Receiving."
  • Con1. "Acknowledged."
  • Con2. "Moving out."
  • Con3. "Affirmative."
  • Con4. "Yessir!"

1. Light Infantry

2. Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos Light Infantry

Primary Armament:9mm RP Assault RifleArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:Grenade Launcher (at Sergeant Rank)Armour Strength:Low
Speed:10 km/hCost:50
Requires:BarracksHouse:Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos


  • 1. Fire 9mm RP Assault Rifle: The Assault Rifle is effective against other Infantry and lightly armoured Vehicles.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Fortify/Exit: This Infantry Unit has the ability to Fortify (only available on sand or sand-like cells). The Unit uses a shovel to create a foxhole, then fills sandbags from his pack and surrounds the foxhole with them to create a defensive circle. Once inside the fortification, the Unit's Fortify option is replaced with Exit. Clicking this button, or clicking the Unit when the deploy cursor appears, will release him from the fortification, and the fortification will vanish. Although the Unit is immobile while dug in, he is granted armour equivalent to the Shield armour type (very vulnerable to explosives and special weapons, but resistant to more conventional firepower). In addition, while fortified, the Infantryman cannot be crushed by tracked Vehicles (the Vehicle will simply drive over the foxhole). Once the Unit suffers sufficient damage that he is killed, the foxhole disappears. There will be a delay of a couple of seconds as the Unit digs a foxhole, or removes it.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Sergeant Veterancy (Grenade Launcher): Upon being promoted from Corporal, the Unit gains a new ability. The Unit now has a grenade-launcher attachment to his Assault Rifle, which operates in a similar manner to the Red Alert Grenadier's weapon. The Unit will continue to attack Infantry with the standard 9mm ammo, but will launch grenades at Vehicles and Structures, which are considerably more effective against these targets. The grenades cause a moderate degree of splash damage on impact, damaging all neighboring Units, friend or foe. The grenades will bounce on terrain a couple of times if they do not impact a target Unit, and will obey laws of physics. So they can be rolled down hills to attack enemies at increased distance, but will tumble back onto Light Infantry who try to launch them up-hill, for example. Grenades can also be lobbed over walls.

2. Corrino Light Sardaukar

Primary Armament:9mm RP Assault RifleArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:Grenade Launcher (at Sergeant Rank)Armour Strength:Medium
Speed:15 km/hCost:50


  • 1. Fire 9mm RP Assault Rifle
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Fortify/Exit
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Enhanced Detector: Can see camouflaged or cloaked Units at a five cell radius, two cells more than most Units.
  • Explosive Squish: Equipped with small mines that detonate if the Unit is run over. Causes damage to tracked opponent if squashed.
  • Immune to Disease: The Unit cannot contract diseases or other biological contagions, such as the Marauder Plague.
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Grenade Launcher)
  • Strong Will: The Unit is trained to be strong-willed, and therefore has an increased resistance to the Bene Gesserit Voice ability.

2. Medium Infantry

1. Atreides, Ordos Medium Infantry

Primary Armament:Rocket LauncherArmour Type:Power Suit
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:6 km/hCost:100
Requires:BarracksHouse:Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos


  • 1. Fire Rocket Launcher: The wire-guided missile launcher is very effective against lightly armoured Vehicles, but ineffective against other Infantry. The rockets are also AA capable.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Feign Death: When activated, the Unit will keel over, splattering appropriately, and remain prostate on the floor in the exact manner of a corpse. Once he is given any other command, he will get back up unharmed. A Unit who is feigning cannot be targeted by the enemy, though force-firing and splash damage will continue to harm him. This will be treated as half-damage though, as this pose is similar to lying prone.
  • 5.
  • 6.


  • Power Suit: The Unit is equipped with a mechanical suit which covers the entire body, similar to Medieval plate mail, as worn by the pair of Harkonnen troopers in the Dune 2000 introductory cinematic. Movement is enhanced by hydraulics built into the suit. The Power Suited Unit cannot be crushed, but also cannot go prone or Rock Climb due to the weight. The Power Suit is equipped with personal "Locust"-class suspensors. These suspensors are automatically engaged in order to cross terrain obstructions (if they can endure the distance), including all walls except Perimeter Shields, and other Units if the path is completely blocked. The suspensors have a limited amount of power, which diminishes rapidly while airborne, and regenerates rapidly when grounded. If the Unit is shot while the suspensors are activated, the force of the blow will hurl him a far distance. The suspensors will cease to operate if the Unit reaches critical damage. If the Unit suffers this degree of damage while airborne, he will plummet to his death. While airborne, the Unit also cannot fire and is vulnerable to AA weapons, but is able to detect cloaked Units. Suspensors will not operate during Electrical Storms. The Suit is powered, so EMP-like weapons such as Electrosonics lock Suited Units in place until the effect wears off.
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Jump Boost): Upon being promoted from Corporal, the Unit gains a new ability. His Suspensors can now launch him across double the usual distance.

2. Corrino Medium Sardaukar

Primary Armament:AP Rocket LauncherArmour Type:Power Suit
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:11 km/hCost:100


  • 1. Fire AP Rocket Launcher: The modified Sardaukar wire-guided missile launcher is equipped with steel-tipped armour-piercing warheads that permit more powerful penetration. They are particularly effective against Vehicles (especially armoured ones) and Structures, but ineffective against other Infantry. The rockets are also AA capable.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Feign Death
  • 5.
  • 6.


  • Enhanced Detector
  • Explosive Squish
  • Immune to Disease
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Jump Boost)
  • Power Suit (Due to House Corrino's enhanced suspensor technology, Sardaukar Infantry can jet through the air for a greater distance)
  • Strong Will

3. Heavy Infantry

1. Atreides Heavy Infantry

Primary Armament:Weirding ModuleArmour Type:Flak Jacket / Shield
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:12 km/hCost:150


  • 1. Fire Weirding Module: After experimental testing with the Sonic Tank, sonic technology has been enhanced by Atreides Scientists since the reign of Emperor Frederick. One result is a smaller, hand-held version that is considerably more stable than its larger counterpart. With an impressive range, a concentrated, thin stream of sonic energy is employed against the target. Any Unit caught within the extensive beam suffers from its harmful effects. Although shielding against the sonic effect has recently been developed, it has not yet been extensively implemented among the Atreides forces. The amplification necessary to cause harm from sound is considerable, and therefore there are long reload periods of approximately three seconds between blasts. The sonic wave is particularly effective against Infantry and Light Vehicles, and also very effective against shielded Units.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Activate/Deactivate Shield Belt: The Unit is equipped with a shield belt that is very effective at absorbing damage. It can be switched on and off. The appearance of the shield conforms to the description in Dune, rather than the angular monstrosity seen in the David Lynch movie. When activated, the wearer is covered with a translucent morphing energy skin (generated about an inch from his actual skin) which conforms to the contours of his body. A shielded Unit cannot be flattened by tracked Vehicles, is invulnerable to Coriolis Storm damage (although the Shield will be disabled by Electrical Storms), and can pass harmlessly through Perimeter Shields and Shield Barriers. However, with the Shield activated, the Unit suffers a small reduction in speed, and a single beam from a Corrino lasgun weapon could destroy this Unit in the resultant sub-atomic fusion. In addition, the Unit will rapidly attract Sandworms when on sand due to energy emissions from the shield. It will call worms from hundreds of metres away, sending them into a killing frenzy. Large-scale shielding systems have also been successfully implemented in some of the smaller Vehicles.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone

2. Harkonnen Heavy Infantry

Primary Armament:Gatling GunArmour Type:Flak Jacket / Shield
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:12 km/hCost:150


  • 1. Fire Gatling Gun: Rapid-fire slugs rip through Infantry targets, but are ineffective against heavily armoured targets.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Activate/Deactivate Shield Belt
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone

3. Ordos Heavy Infantry

Primary Armament:Toxic Gas DischargerArmour Type:Flak Jacket / Shield
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:12 km/hCost:150


  • 1. Fire Toxic Gas Discharger: Extraordinarily effective against Infantry targets (including shielded Infantry), but almost useless against Vehicles and Structures. Due to the flammable nature of this chemical fuel, flame weapons tend to ignite these Units very easily.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Activate/Deactivate Shield Belt
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Chemical Immunity: Dedicated protective covering makes this Unit immune to chemical, but not acidic, weapons.

4. Corrino Heavy Sardaukar

Primary Armament:LasgunArmour Type:Power Suit
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:13 km/hCost:150


  • 1. Fire Lasgun Pistol: Effective against armoured targets, but less effective versus Infantry. Lasers have an impressive range, but damage decreases exponentially with distance. This Unit can destroy any shielded Unit with a single blast of the lasgun. The source of the blast when a laser and shield contacts is quite erratic, sometimes originating within the shield, sometimes within the laser weapon, sometimes both, with no way to determine it beforehand. If the blast originates within the laser weapon, the Corrino unit is destroyed.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Feign Death
  • 5.
  • 6.


  • Enhanced Detector
  • Explosive Squish
  • Immune to Disease
  • Power Suit (Due to House Corrino's enhanced suspensor technology, Sardaukar Infantry can jet through the air for a greater distance)
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Jump Boost)
  • Strong Will

4. Heavy Weapons Team

Primary Armament:20mm Tripod GunArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:6 km/hCost:200


  • Fire 20mm Tripod Gun: This medium-range gun is effective against Vehicles, especially heavily armoured Vehicles. The Gun is also AA-capable. Although this semi-mobile gun turret is rapid-firing, it is forced to fire in bursts due to frequent re-loading. The Heavy Weapons Team consists of a squad of three, treated as one Unit: One to fire, one to load ammunition, and another equipped with binoculars to seek out targets. The latter pair also assist in holding the turret accurately in place while firing.
  • 2. Move (When deployed, this option is unavailable)
  • 3.
  • 4. Deploy/Dismantle Turret: The gun must first be deployed before firing, and dismantled before moving. The assembly time is five seconds. Due to the cumbersome equipment, this group cannot Lie Prone, enter APCs, or Rock Climb.
  • 5.
  • 6.


  • Chameleon: The use of camouflaging techniques makes this Unit invisible to the enemy (visually or on the Mini Map) unless seen by enemy Infantry or Turrets at a three cell distance (or Sardaukar at a five cell distance). The Unit also can be seen by the enemy when moving or firing.

5. Mortar Crew

Primary Armament:82mm MortarArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:8 km/hCost:250


  • Mortar: After a five-second assembly, the Mortar launches mortar shells over a long distance. The shells are slow moving, and their trajectories are influenced by rogue winds, making them rather inaccurate in all but still weather (a rather rare phenomenon on Arrakis). Very effective against heavily armoured targets and Structures, but poor versus Infantry. Consists of a squad of two.
  • 2. Move (When deployed, this option is unavailable)
  • 3.
  • 4. Deploy/Dismantle Turret
  • 5.
  • 6.


  • Chameleon
  • Death Combust: When killed, the Unit will create a locus of incendiary damage around itself for a specified distance (2 cells).

6. Mine Layer

Primary Armament:MinesArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:10 km/hCost:300
Requires:Barracks & Repair PadHouse:All


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Blanket Mine: To place a mine, deploy the Mine Layer using this command, which will give you the Mine Laying cursor. Either click the cursor on a valid location, and the Mine Layer will rush over and drop a mine at this spot, or you can bandbox an area that you wish to mine. The persistent bandboxed zone has a dashed red border, and a mushroom icon in the top right corner. Once the mouse button is released, the Mine Layer will move forward and begin to blanket this region with the selected mine type in a checkerboard pattern. Once he runs out of mines, he will automatically move to the Repair Pad, replenish his supply, and return to continue the task. The Escort command operates slightly differently for the Mine Layer. When commanded to Escort a location on the Battlefield, the Mine Layer will lay mines equally between the current and target locations, resupplying when necessary. Player Units will not trigger mines, either by friendly fire or moving over them. Mines placed on sand are buried during storms. Explosions from mines on sand attract Sandworms. If a Worm swallows a mine or the Mine Layerwhile he is carrying mines, the Worm will sustain some damage. You can see your mines on the Mini Map.
  • 5. Caltrops/AP Mine/Timer Mine/Plasma Mine/Toxin Mine/Tracker Mine [Cycle]: The Mine Layer can place three types of mine. You can cycle through the list of options by clicking this icon. The currently chosen mine is shown as the icon. The available mine types are:
    1. Caltrops. A series of sharp spikes are released when this mine is stood on or driven over. Caltrops are most effective as an anti-personnel mine. They will also slow down any Unit that moves over them. The effect is cumulative in three stages, so the first caltrop you step on slows you down by 10%, the second by 30% and the third by 50%. You remain in this state until you die or regain full health.
    2. Armour-Piercing Mine. This high-explosive AP mine inflicts great damage against armoured targets, but has little effect on Infantry.
    3. Timer Mine. This mine attaches to the Vehicle that moves over it and then detonates after a period of 30 seconds. This will make it particularly difficult for the enemy to determine the location of the mine field, and avoid it in the future. They do not attach to Infantry. Several timers could become attached to a unit as it moves. Although they will all detonate in a chain reaction when the first one blows, this is a serious waste. Therefore you need to be careful to use them sparingly, or keep them far from each other.
    4. Plasma Mine. A nuclear soup of superheated sub-atomic particles makes a very effective weapon, indeed. Once the mine is triggered, a stream of plasma is ejected from the processor at high velocity, incinerating the unfortunate enemy.
    5. Ordos Toxin Mine. When triggered, the mine's protective blister splits open, spewing a cloud of acidic enzymes over the surrounding area. These continue to bubble on the surface for a few seconds afterwards, damaging to metal and flesh alike.
    6. Tracker Mine. This proximity mine is equipped with movement sensors. When a Unit comes within four cells, the Tracker Mine will be launched off the ground by its suspensor jets, and follow the moving target. It will detonate on contact.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Six pips, representing carried mines. Re-armed at Repair Pad.


  • Bomb Expert (When a Mine Layer defuses a mine it will be added to his own pip inventory if it is not already at maximum)
  • Explosive Squish

2. Special Forces

1. Atreides Special Forces (Fremen)

Voice Clips for Fremen:

  • Sel1. "Tahaddi Al-Burhan?" (Fremen challenge to mortal combat)
  • Sel2. "Kull Wahad." ("I am profoundly stirred")
  • Sel3. "Bi-La Kaifa." ("Nothing further need be explained")
  • Sel4. *Astonished* "Lisan Al-Gaib?" ("The Voice from the Outer World")
  • Con1. "Hal Yawm!" ("Now at last!")
  • Con2. "Haiii Yoh!" (Command to action)
  • Con3. "Ya Hya Chouhada!" ("Long live the fighters!")
  • Con4. "For Shai-Hulud."

1. Fremen Warrior

Primary Armament:Maula PistolArmour Type:None (Stillsuit)
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength: 
Speed:16 km/hCost:250
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen


  • 1. Fire Maula Pistol: Spring-loaded needle gun for firing poison darts; range about forty metres. Very effective against Infantry.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Plant: This Fremen Unit has been trained with the Ecologist's ability to plant foliage on sand. Once deployed, the Unit will continue to scatter seeds around an area until told otherwise. They have a limited amount of water which is used for this, which recharges automatically. You must have an excess of power, with at least one Windtrap in operation in order to generate the needed water. Spice will not spread to such areas, and any spice here will be destroyed. Therefore you could use them to sabotage enemy spice fields. Equally, Worms will avoid these areas, making a safe haven for your Units. Once established, the plants will gradually "creep" across the sand, infecting surrounding sand cells. Eventually the plants grow to the extent that they become trees. Vehicles will not be able to penetrate such forests, but they will provide effective cover for Infantry, who are able to navigate through them. Once the trees reach the forest stage, they cannot be destroyed by any armament other than flame, which will spread through the forest. Conventional weapons will have no effect. Any Units in a one cell radius of a burning tree will suffer damage from the heat.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Three pips to represent seeds. Therefore three seeds can be planted for every full bar of pips. The bar will not regenerate unless you are operating at full power, with at least one Wind Trap.


  • Camouflage: The Unit is not seen on the Mini Map or visually by the enemy, except at three cell distance from Infantry, turrets, or when firing. All Sardaukar can see the Unit at a five square radius. Visible when firing. Invisibility resulting from the Camouflage becomes erratic as the the Unit takes damage.
  • Constant Speed: Suffer no speed loss when travelling over dunes.
  • Fremen Spice Addiction: As a native of Dune, this Unit automatically has the properties of Spice Addiction. However, because he has plentiful access to the spice, he does not suffer withdrawal damage outside of spice fields.
  • Fremkit: The Fremen automatically set up a Fremkit tent during storms, so they do not need to be placed in bunkers.
  • Hazard Wary: Automatically avoid terrain hazards unless a hazard cell is their destination. They will reveal all terrain hazards that they see and make them visible to the player.
  • No Attract Sandworms (Adopted Irregular Walking Patterns)
  • Reclamation: When standing over the corpse of a dead Infantryman on the battlefield, the Fremen will automatically restore his health by reclaiming the cadaver's precious water. This can only occur in the brief period before the body becomes buried by Arrakis' shifting sands.

2. Fremen Naib

Primary Armament:Tarpel GunArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:18 km/hCost:300
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen


  • 1. Fire Tarpel Gun: Affects Infantry and armoured targets to the same degree.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Bury/Emerge: When standing on sand, the Unit can bury itself under layers of sand to conceal itself from the enemy. This is more effective than Camouflage, as even Infantry and turrets cannot see him. Only Units with the Enhanced Detector ability, such as Bene Gesserit, can see him. However, he cannot move or fire while underground.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Berzerker: Due to berzerker-like tendencies, the Unit's movement rate will actually increase with damage instead of decreasing.
  • Camouflage
  • Constant Speed
  • Fremen Spice Addiction
  • Fremkit
  • Hazard Wary
  • No Attract Sandworms (Adopted Irregular Walking Patterns)
  • Reclamation
  • Self-Heal: The Unit will automatically restore its lost health. The Unit must not be engaged in any other activity in order to tend to its wounds. The more highly experienced the Unit, the faster the rate of healing.

3. Fedaykin Death Commando

Primary Armament:Tarpel GunArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:18 km/hCost:400
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen (Atreides Alliance)


  • 1. Fire Weirding Module
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Bury/Emerge
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Berzerker
  • Camouflage
  • Constant Speed
  • Fremen Spice Addiction
  • Fremkit
  • Hazard Wary
  • No Attract Sandworms (Adopted Irregular Walking Patterns)
  • Reclamation

4. Fremen Hookman

Primary Armament:Maker HooksArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:ThumperArmour Strength: 
Speed:14 km/hCost:350
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen


  • 1. Mount Worm: The Hookman can use Maker Hooks to capture, mount and steer a Sandworm, becoming a Sandrider Unit. Once the Hookman occupies the same space as a Sandworm, the worm will be captured. Because of the rate of movement of Sandworms, a Thumper will probably have to be placed to distract it first.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Thumper: Can place his Thumper (also by deploying) to generate a rhythmic pulsing that attracts Worms to the location of the Thumper at a rapid rate. The Worm will not attempt to swallow the Unit, but will attack any other Units within its sight range, and then return to the site of the Thumper. When commanded to move elsewhere, the Fremen will pack up the Thumper and take it with him. If camouflaged, the Fremen becomes visible while the Thumper is activated (all that "lump-lump-lump"ing makes one a little conspicuous). The Thumper can only be deployed on dune, sand or spice terrain. A "no" deploy cursor is shown on rocky terrain.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Camouflage
  • Constant Speed
  • Fremen Spice Addiction
  • Fremkit
  • Hazard Wary
  • No Attract Sandworms (Adopted Irregular Walking Patterns)
  • Reclamation

1. Sandrider

Voice Clips for Sandriders:

  • Sel1. "Gerhat!" (Steerman's straight ahead)
  • Sel2. "Ach!" (Steerman's left turn)
  • Sel3. "Derch!" (Steerman's right turn)
  • Sel4. "*Worm Roar*"
  • Con1. "Hal Yawm!" ("Now at last!")
  • Con2. "Haiii Yoh!" (Command to action)
  • Con3. "Ya Hya Chouhada!" ("Long live the fighters!")
  • Con4. "As Shai-Hulud commands."

Primary Armament:AppetiteArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:80 km/hCost:N/A (Hookman becomes Sandrider)
Requires:Sandworm captured by a HookmanHouse:Atreides (Fremen Alliance), Fremen


  • 1. Swallow: The Sandworm immediately destroys any Unit it consumes. Though it is placed here for continuity, the Sandrider could more correctly be interpreted as a special organic Vehicle. It has none of the Infantry's abilities other than Night Vision.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Dismount: Use this command to release the Sandworm and regain control of your Hookman. Automatic dismount will also occur if a storm occurs, the Sandrider is attacked to half damage, or it becomes exhausted. Go deep-sand during storms, or when attacked to half damage (automatic dismount). Sandworms are goaded into travelling at speeds upwards of 80 km/h by continuous beating on the worm's tail segments, so a captured Sandworm will only remain under Hookman control for a limited time, before stopping in exhaustion. The Hookman will then automatically dismount, and the Sandworm will go deep-sand. This duration is indicated by the number of stamina pips the Sandrider has remaining. The Hookman will not suffer any damage while riding a Sandworm.
  • 5.
  • 6.


  • Five pips to represent Sandworm stamina, each pip equating to three minutes. Once the full fifteen minutes have been used, the Sandworm will be too exhausted to continue, and the Hookman will dismount.


  • Desert Bound: Can only travel on sand, spice and dune terrain types
  • Limited Manoeuvrability due to size and length
  • No Attract Sandworms
  • Self-Heal
  • Trail: Leaves imprint in the sand behind it as it moves.

2. Harkonnen Special Forces (Sappers)

Voice Clips for Sappers:

  • Sel1. "You name it, it's dead."
  • Sel2. "I knew you'd come crawling back eventually."
  • Sel3. "Whaddaya want?"
  • Sel4. "Who wants to die?"
  • Con1. "Annihilation guaranteed."
  • Con2. "Destruction inevitable."
  • Con3. "*Heh heh heh*."
  • Con4. "With the utmost of pleasure."

1. Flamer

Primary Armament:FlamethrowerArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:8 km/hCost:250
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. Fire Flamethrower: Very effective against Infantry and Structures, and reasonably effective against Vehicles. The fire will spread to flammable objects nearby. For example, an Infantryman on fire (who will start running around frantically) will ignite Infantry around him. However, mechanical Units such as tanks would not ignite, as they are mostly inflammable, but will still suffer heat damage. The flame could just as easily spread to your own Units. If a building is damaged by fire, there is a considerable chance it will burst into flames. A building sustains flame damage for as long as the fire is burning.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Berzerk: The Unit can use this ability to temporarily enhance fighting effectiveness, at the price of reducing his probable lifespan in the field. When this mode is activated, the Unit will suffer a small amount of damage. The amount of damage is cumulative with each use. The Berzerk command is unavailable when active, or if entering Berzerk mode would cause sufficient damage to kill the Unit on the spot. After the loss in health, the Unit will fire and move at double his regular speed, and his weapons will inflict twice as much damage, until the Berzerk mode wears off a couple of minutes later. There is a small chance that a Unit will become disorientated while in Berzerk mode, unable to distinguish between friend or foe. If this occurs, then you will lose control of the Unit, and he will randomly attack nearby Units until the Berzerk mode wears off.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Death Combust (fuel ignites)
  • Incendiary Immunity: Immune to flame weapons. Heat shielding increases the weight of the Unit's armour, and therefore makes him slower than most Infantry Units.
  • Mine Sweeper: The Unit is equipped with long poles loaded with low-damage demolitions. He uses this to clear mines within a two-cell radius by detonating them from a distance. This occurs automatically.

2. Razer

Primary Armament:Mole Missile LauncherArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:10 km/hCost:300
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. Fire Mole Missile: The Mole Missile is excellent against tanks, and outstanding against Worms, but poor versus Infantry. The Razer and his target must both be either on or parallel to sandy terrain, and the path to the target must be sandy terrain for the Missile to be engaged. Therefore it is particularly useful for fending off incoming enemy assaults, but of no use when attacking Structures. Once the target is selected, the Razer's Launcher will plunge the Mole to a short distance underground. The Mole will then track its target by laser sighting, following it as it moves. Once it is a few metres from the target, it will blast back out of the sand, extend a series of sharp claws from its metal mouth with a resounding "shing," and attach itself to the target. Then its onboard explosive pack will detonate, causing wide-area damage. The Mole is slow, and will automatically detonate if it does not reach its target in four seconds, so it is possible to outrun it. The Mole will not cause any harm to Units on the surface between the Razer and its target, but will collide with anything underground that it encounters in its path. If the Mole strikes rock in its path, it will detonate against the rock side. A new Mole cannot be launched until the last one has detonated.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Berzerk
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Mine Sweeper

3. Enforcer

Primary Armament:Plasma RevolverArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:10 km/hCost:350
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. Fire Plasma Revolver: Armed with charged plasma cartridges, the Plasma Revolver uses the awesome weaponry of the mighty Devastator in a smaller, more stable system. Although less powerful than its larger counterpart, the Plasma Revolver enjoys a marginally longer range and better rate of fire. It is powerfully effective against most Units. However, the gun can easily overheat if used frequently.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Berzerk
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Four pips to represent the Plasma Revolver's coolant levels. Every time that the gun is fired, a pip is removed. The gun can no longer be fired if there are no more pips. The pips automatically regenerate at a rate of one pip per second.


  • Death Combust: (3 cells; When Harkonnen Enforcers die, their plasma power source becomes unstable, resulting in an localised explosion, damaging nearby Units. This can result in a 'chain-reaction effect' when they are used in groups, much like the Red Alert explosive barrels.)
  • Mine Sweeper

3. Ordos Special Forces (Terrorists)

Voice Clips for Terrorists:

  • Sel1. "What do you require of me?"
  • Sel2. "How can I be of assistance?"
  • Sel3. "Your strategy overwhelms me."
  • Sel4. "Why prolong the inevitable?"
  • Con1. "Excellent."
  • Con2. "Immediately."
  • Con3. "With all possible haste."
  • Con4. "With the utmost of stealth."

1. Marauder

Primary Armament:Plague PistolArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:TheftArmour Strength: 
Speed:12 km/hCost:250
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Plague Pistol: The Plague Pistol is loaded with darts coated in an engineered viral strain. The Plague produced by the Plague Pistol spreads among any Infantry Units (including your own) within a two cell radius of the infected Unit. The Marauder must uncloak to fire. The Plague gradually reduces an infected Unit's health until the Unit is on the verge of death, but will not actually kill the Unit. The weakened Unit will continue to carry the Plague until it wears off, or the Unit is healed. The Medic is inadequately equipped to deal with this disease. The best he can do is restore the Unit's lost health, but the infected Unit will continue to lose health to the effects of the Plague. A Unit must enter the Hospital to be cured. The Plague has absolutely no effect on mechanised Units. Infected Units are indicated by a red virus symbol in the top left corner of the on-screen Unit.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Raid Structure: Can steal half the spice complement of an (Advanced) Refinery or (Advanced) Silo by entering the Structure. The quantity will automatically appear in your own Silo storage, and the equivalent credit amount will be added to your account. The Unit is lost when entering the Structure.
  • 4. Engage Infantry Cloak: The Unit is equipped with a secret Ixian "Mirage" body cloaking device. A five-pip cargo is displayed on the Unit (empty at production). Once this charges to full, using the deploy cursor on the Unit turns the cloak on. It cannot be deactivated once on-line. The energy is drained as the cloak continues to operate. It doesn't last very long (thirty seconds, six for each pip) and the Unit is seen by Infantry Units and Turrets at close range. While the cloak is active, the Unit cannot be seen on radar either. Footprints in the sand could betray the Unit's position while cloaked. The cloak does not fool Sandworms. As they use vibrations to detect their prey, invisibility has no effect on them. A Unit cannot capture a Structure with its cloak activated.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Five pips to represent cloak energy. Cloak will operate for thirty seconds. Afterwards will recharge rapidly.


  • Immune to Disease

2. Saboteur

Primary Armament:ExplosivesArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:Remote ChargeArmour Strength: 
Speed:15 km/hCost:300
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Sabotage Structure: The Unit can destroy any enemy Structure immediately, regardless of its health, by moving into it. The Unit sacrifices its life for this cause. Using this command on a Structure that has a charge placed upon it will defuse the charge.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Place Charge/Detonate: The Unit can place an explosive charge on an enemy Structure (it only carries one at a time), then detonate the explosive at will using a remote transmitter. The Unit has to de-cloak when placing the charge (it takes about a second), so this is the ideal time to take him out before he escapes. Once the charge has been placed, the Place Charge command is replaced by a Detonate command. As long as the Unit remains alive, the explosive can be detonated at any time using the Unit's remote detonator. If the Unit is killed, there is a one in three chance that he will activate the detonator during his death throes, and the Structure will be destroyed. Otherwise, the charge on the building will vanish. The enemy has no idea that there is a charge placed on his Structure unless it is detected by a Unit with the Bomb Detector ability, such as the Corrino M.A.T, or Bene Gesserit. Saboteurs can also detect placed charges on their own Structures by enemy Ordos players during Multiplayer games. Remote Charges can also be placed on Vehicles, with the same rules applying as above. The bomb will be detected and removed if the Vehicle is sent to the Repair Pad. You can also place charges on your own Structures. If the enemy captures it, you can blow it up at your discretion. The resultant shrapnel could be an unpleasant surprise, too.
  • 4. Engage Infantry Cloak
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Five pips to represent cloak energy. Cloak will operate for thirty seconds. Afterwards will recharge rapidly.


  • Bomb Expert: Automatically detects enemy Terrorist Saboteur explosive charges placed on Structures in a two cell radius.
  • Death Combust
  • Explosive Squish
  • Radar Invisibility: This Unit cannot be seen on the Mini Map by enemy players at any time.

3. Assassin

Primary Armament:HijackArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:Hunter SeekerArmour Strength: 
Speed:14 km/hCost:350
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Hijack Vehicle: The Unit can capture any enemy Vehicle (or Aircraft that has landed) that it enters. The hijacking Unit then "becomes" that Unit, adopting the player's House colour. One could, for example, steal a full enemy Harvester out in a Spice Field, drive it back to one's base, and receive the benefits of the cargo. However, although this makes the hijacking Unit a danger to light Vehicles, heavy Vehicles will usually have a good chance of shooting or splatting this Unit before he reaches them. Efficiency reductions from damage will thus make hijackings more likely. If the Vehicle that he is driving is destroyed, the Unit will emerge from the wreckage unharmed. The only other way to retrieve the Assassin is to take the Vehicle to your Repair Pad, and sell the Vehicle. The Assassin will then emerge from the Vehicle, appearing on the Repair Pad, and be available for another theft. This is therefore quite an effective method of gaining additional funds. In addition, this process will also reverse-engineer the Vehicle and add it to your build list if it is not already available to you. The Unit cannot hijack an enemy Vehicle while cloaked (if it has this option).
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Release/Return Hunter Seeker: The Assassin is equipped with a Hunter-Seeker remote control system. The Release Hunter Seeker command releases the assassination weapon. You are then controlling the weapon via remote. Whether you click on the Assassin or the Hunter Seeker, you still control the Hunter Seeker, and it has its own set of commands. When it kills a Unit or is destroyed, you regain control of the Assassin, who can then launch another Hunter Seeker if desired. Therefore each controller can only have one Hunter Seeker out at a time. You can also return a Hunter Seeker to the controller using the Return Hunter Seeker command which replaces the Release Hunter Seeker command while the Hunter Seeker is active.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone

1. Hunter Seeker

Primary Armament:Poison TipArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength: 
Speed:100 km/hCost:N/A
Requires:Assassin with active Hunter Seeker consoleHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Assassinate: This ravening sliver of suspensor-buoyed metal can stab any Infantry Unit with its lethal poison tip, guaranteeing certain instant death with a single shot, regardless of the target's health or armour. However, it is lost once the target is assassinated. Control is then returned to the Assassin, who can then launch another Hunter Seeker if desired. The Hunter Seeker cannot attack Vehicles, Structures or Aircraft. It also penetrates safely through a Unit's Shield, and can even pass through Base Shields such as the Shield Generator's Perimeter Shield or the Shield Barrier generated between adjacent Shield Towers.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Recall: There is an option to recall the Hunter Seeker back to the controller. Once it comes back or the Hunter Seeker is destroyed, you regain control of the controller. Therefore each controller can only have one Hunter Seeker out at a time.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Five pips to represent battery charge. This depletes over time, until the Hunter Seeker is eventually destroyed.


  • Finite Power Cell: The Hunter Seeker has a limited battery life (in real-world terms, 30 minutes, equating to probably about five minutes in the game world), indicated by an energy bar that diminishes over time. Once this energy bar is fully depleted, the Hunter Seeker's suspensors shut off and it falls to the ground and shatters. Control will then be returned to the Assassin in the usual manner.
  • Hover: The Unit is equipped with suspensors that allow it to float approximately a metre above the desert surface. Therefore it does not attract Worms, nor can Sandworms reach it. Terrain hazards also will not be triggered, and movement speed reductions due to rough terrain will not impede the Unit. Mines that rely on contact will also not be triggered. The Unit is intermediary between Vehicles and Aircraft. Despite these advantages, it does not reach a sufficient altitude to fly over Mountains or Base Shields. The inability to touch the ground can sometimes be a disadvantage. A Hovering Unit cannot collect crates in Multiplayer games, for example, or trigger Spice Blooms to create more Spice, or squish Infantry. If the Unit encounters an Electrical Storm, and will find itself stranded on the ground.
  • Limited Range: A range circle appears around the Hunter Seeker operator that indicates the extent of the Hunter Seeker's movement range. Seeker control beams have a range limited to 75 feet. The Hunter Seeker cannot exceed this distance.
  • Miniscule: Although it is considerably weak and can be destroyed with one or two shots, it is small (less than five centimetres in length), and thus easily escapes notice. It is also not detected on the Mini Map or by advanced warning systems.

4. Corrino Special Forces (Noukkers)

Voice Clips for Noukkers:

  • Sel1. "Your orders?"
  • Sel2. "Your command?"
  • Sel3. "My Liege?"
  • Sel4. "I am at your disposal."
  • Con1. "As commanded."
  • Con2. "Consider it done."
  • Con3. "Execute."
  • Con4. "I Hear and Obey."

1. Sniper

Primary Armament:Sniper RifleArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:14 km/hCost:250
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Fire Sniper Rifle: This weapon is long range, impeccably accurate, but weak against all targets but Infantry, against whom it is very effective. The Sniper Rifle can penetrate any Infantry armour. The Sniper will crouch and take a couple of seconds to aim before firing, so it cannot fire while moving, and if disturbed will need to take aim again. The Sniper will sight down the long-range scope when standing still. Therefore when he is not moving, he loses all peripheral vision. Only those cells directly ahead of him can be seen. However, he can see twice his usual range when looking down the scope. The Sniper Rifle has a silencer, so you will not be informed that you lost a Unit by your Mentat if it was killed by a Sniper, plus the gunshot will be barely audible. The Sniper is lightly armoured, and practically useless against Vehicles. The Unit has a long sight range and can kill an Infantryman with one careful shot. Exceptions are the tougher Units such as Sardaukar and Fremen. Sometimes a shot with the Sniper Rifle (a very poor shot, as he's accidentally shot at your legs), will inflict minimal damage, but cause a Caltrop effect. It takes five seconds to reload and aim, so the Sniper is ineffective against large groups, but ideal for assassination of key personnel. Their viewing distance combined with speed also makes them excellent scouts. They are useless against Structures.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Chameleon (The Sniper can blend into his surroundings, as long as he stays still and doesn't make too much noise)
  • Enhanced Detector
  • Explosive Squish
  • Immune to Disease
  • Strong Will

2. Vaporiser

Primary Armament:Drainage RifleArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:12 km/hCost:300
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Drainage Rifle: Devastatingly effective against Infantry. Each time an Infantry Unit is killed with the Drainage Rifle, his water is added to the Rifle cartridge as one pip of water. A Drainage Rifle with empty water cartridges inflicts negligible damage against Vehicles. However, if the Drainage Rifle has absorbed at least one pip of "recycled" water, a powerful electrical discharge is unleashed upon the target Vehicle, severely damaging it. A pip of water is extinguished in the process of firing the electrical shot. Even if the discharge does not manage to destroy the target, it will disable any shields the target has for a duration of ten seconds. This effect is cumulative. The Drainage Rifle is also extremely effective against the organic Sandworms, though be careful not to cut off your supply of Spice Blooms. You could conceivably force-attack your own Units to gain pips for the Rifle. The Drainage Rifle has absolutely no effect on Structures. The Drainage Rifle is most effective at close range; its accuracy and the strength of its cartridges degrades with increased range (unless the laser sight is active, in which case these hindrances are negated).
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Laser Sight On/Off: When the laser sight on this weapon is activated, the weapon fires more slowly, but packs a bigger punch with pinpoint accuracy. However, the sighting laser exposes the Unit, making him much easier to hit when the laser sight is engaged. Having it on at night isn't a good idea, either.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Five pips to represent stored water.


  • Enhanced Detector
  • Explosive Squish
  • Immune to Disease
  • Strong Will

3. Miner

Primary Armament:MinesArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:Random TeleportArmour Strength:High
Speed:10 km/hCost:350
Requires:Upgraded BarracksHouse:Corrino


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Random Teleport: Imperium-funded classified research on Ix and Richese into means of short-range matter transmission are finally reaching a profitable end. The Miner is equipped with the fruits of their labours. Though the device can successfully teleport the bearer to any position within a limited range (the current mission map), this technology remains very difficult to control. Once activated, there is no means of specifying a destination to materialise. However, the Miner can use this device to reach distant regions in a short space of time, and establish mine fields in remote areas. Assuming that he doesn't teleport right into the middle of enemy territory. Fortunately, there is no chance of accidentally arriving in occupied space. If the Teleporter's navigation system encounters an object at the randomly selected position, then it will simply choose another one until it finds vacant space.
  • 4. Blanket Mine
  • 5. Suspensor/Laser/Gravity Mine [Cycle]: The Miner can place three types of special Imperial mines. You can cycle through the list of options by clicking this icon. The currently chosen mine is shown as the icon. The available mine types are:
    1. Suspensor Mine. The mine remains hidden under sand until an enemy Unit comes within a certain proximity (two cell radius). At this point, the suspensors activate, launching the mine into the air, where it explodes, scattering shrapnel for a radial distance of three cells. The Suspensor Mine can only be placed on sandy tiles.
    2. Laser Mine. This mine works on a proximity trigger circuit. If the mine detects movement within 5 cells of itself, small suspensor jets on the base of the mine hurl it to crotch height, where high-intensity spinning laser beams are emitted for three seconds, toasting anything unlucky enough to get in their way. After the laser charges are depleted, the case then detonates to finish anything that may have survived.
    3. Gravity Mine. This mine generates an inverted Suspensor Field, that instead of repelling physical objects, creates a powerful attractive effect, that pulls any mechanised Unit that gets in range towards itself. Once the Unit reaches the mine's epicentre, it is impossible to break free. Although it causes no physical damage, the Gravity Mine is effective for immobilising enemy Units until backup can arrive to deal with the threat. Once a Unit is captured in the Gravity Field, its effects are focused on the Unit, and it will not effect other nearby Units. After a period of entrapment, the mine's power will eventually deplete, and the Unit will be released. The Gravity Mine will then have no effect for a brief period while it recharges, and then the Gravity Field will be reactivated. A handful of these in the enemy's path can be very handy for stopping a tank rush in its tracks. Non-mechanical units are not effected.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Six pips, representing carried mines. Re-armed at Repair Pad.
  • Three energy pips, representing the number of times that the Miner can teleport. Recharges automatically.


  • Bomb Expert (When a Miner defuses a mine it will be added to his own inventory if it is not at maximum)
  • Enhanced Detector
  • Explosive Squish
  • Immune to Disease
  • Strong Will

3. Support Infantry

1. Field Medic

Voice Clips for Medics:

  • Sel1. "Medic Reporting."
  • Sel2. "Need medical attention?"
  • Sel3. "Yessir?"
  • Sel4. "It's not medical help that you need ..."
  • Con1. "Affirmative!"
  • Con2. "Stat!"
  • Con3. "Clear!"
  • Con4. "Gimme some room!"

Primary Armament:HealArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:NarcoticArmour Strength: 
Speed:10 km/hCost:200
Requires:Barracks & HospitalHouse:All


  • 1. Heal: Can heal any Infantry Unit to full health (even the enemy, although this is obviously not recommended). The Medic will automatically heal Units in sight range and will administer aid to units even further away as long as its Mobility is not set to the lowest setting. If an Infantryman automatically goes for healing, or is commanded to do so via the Repair cursor, and there are idle Medics closer to the Infantryman than the Hospital, then a Medic will automatically approach the Infantry Unit and heal him. There is no fee for healing Infantry.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Narcotic: The Narcotic command administers a severely concentrated form of the Elacca Drug, a narcotic formed by burning the blood-grained elacca wood of Ecaz, to an Infantry target. Once the Infantry Unit is injected with this drug, its will for self-preservation is removed, and bodily functions rapidly increase. The drugged Unit then moves at twice its regular rate, and takes about 35% less damage from any weapon than usual. However, the drug will adversely affect the Unit's health. After five minutes, if the Unit is still alive, the drug will begin to directly harm the subject's body tissue, rapidly leaching its health. Eventually, the Unit will suffer a chronic cardiac arrest, and die. The drug can also be administered to enemy Infantry, and it is the default command when enemy units are targeted. To distinguish drugged Units, they produce an orange glow that indicates the characteristic carrot colour that the drug applies to a subject's skin. This glow is seen by both player and enemy Units. Healing a Unit that you have injected with a Narcotic administers an antidote.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Immune to Disease
  • Self-Heal
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Revive): Veteran Medics are experts in the field. On reaching Sergeant rank, he now has the chance to revive dying team mates. If he can reach an Infantry Unit and administer aid within a few seconds of the Unit's death, he can bring him back from the brink of the beyond. It'll still take a few heals to bring him back to full health, but the Unit will soon be back and fighting fit.

2. Salvager

Voice Clips for Salvagers:

  • Sel1. "Yes sir?"
  • Sel2. "Reporting."
  • Sel3. "Your command?"
  • Sel4. "Receiving."
  • Con1. "Acknowledged."
  • Con2. "Moving out."
  • Con3. "Affirmative."
  • Con4. "Yessir!"

Primary Armament:Cutting TorchArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:Repair KitArmour Strength:Low
Speed:10 km/hCost:220
Requires:Barracks & Repair PadHouse:All


  • 1. Cutting Torch: The Unit can collect useful scrap metal from the remains of destroyed Vehicles on the battlefield. This can then be returned to the Repair Pad, where it is converted into credits. While hardly a substitute for the valuable Spice, it is an alternative emergency method of gaining funds if your harvesting facilities have been crippled by the enemy, spice supplies are very low, or you need to administer repairs in non-base missions. Scrap is directly converted to credits while the Salvager is docked at a Repair Pad; Silos are not necessary to store unloaded scrap. However, the Repair Pad is occupied while the Salvager is unloading. A cutting torch is used to divide a scrapped hull into segments small enough to carry. In an emergency, the Unit could also use the torch as a weapon, albeit a very weak one, which will only operate at immediate range.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Repair Vehicle: Salvagers can repair non-Infantry Units on the field by selecting them individually. They will also automatically repair Units in range, like the Medic. Flashes of white light and glowing melted shrapnel will shower from the Salvager when repairing/salvaging. If a Vehicle automatically goes for repair, or is commanded to do so via the Repair cursor, and there are idle Salvagers closer to the Vehicle than the Repair Pad or a Carryall, then the Salvager will automatically approach the Vehicle and repair it. Unlike the healing of Infantry, repairing Vehicles costs money. If the Salvager is not carrying any scrap, it costs twice as much to repair a Unit with a Salvager than at the Repair Pad. If the Salvager does have scrap, then the scrap is used during repairs, and there is no cost. In addition, the Salvager does not have the Repair Pad's additional abilities -- converting scrap to credits, replenishing mines, removing Leeches, and so on. This encourages the use of your base facilities, rather than making them redundant, but makes repairs on the field a very valuable option.
  • 4.
  • 5. Repair Structure: The Unit can repair a Structure to full health in a manner similar to the Red Alert Engineer. When a Salvager is selected, a yellow Entry cursor (a vertical column of inverted triangles) appears over a player Structure that is not at full health. A left-click will send the Salvager into the Structure. The Structure will then be at full health, but the Salvager will be sacrificed for this enhancement.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • 6 pips of carried scrap, each the useful quantity collected from battlefield metal remains, and worth approximately 100 solari.

3. Scientist

Voice Clips for Scientists:

Atreides Scientist (Geek)

  • Sel1. "Equipment ready."
  • Sel2. "Ready for Conversion."
  • Sel3. "Can I go back to the lab now?"
  • Sel4. "Ow! That hurt!"
  • Con1. "I'll get right on it!"
  • Con2. "Stand by."
  • Con3. "All systems go."
  • Con4. "Are you sure I can't go back to the lab now?"

Harkonnen Scientist (Mad Scientist)

  • Sel1. *Questioning* "*Cackle*"
  • Sel2. "Yummy."
  • Sel3. "Nice weather we're having."
  • Sel4. "Death to the Harkonnen! *Whoops*."
  • Con1. *Excited, eager* "*Cackle*"
  • Con2. "I'm really going to enjoy this."
  • Con3. "A little pain never hurt anyone."
  • Con4. "Start the machine! *Cackle*"

Ordos Scientist (Drunk)

  • Sel1. "Yeah?"
  • Sel2. "Ready for Conversion."
  • Sel3. "Wow ..."
  • Sel4. "Water ish Life. Buy me a pint?"
  • Con1. "*Zzzzz*"
  • Con2. "Okay, *hic*"
  • Con3. "Yeshshir ..."
  • Con4. "Whoa."

Corrino Scientist (German)

  • Sel1. "You need but ask."
  • Sel2. "Vat now?!"
  • Sel3. "I'll bet Einstein never had zis problem ..."
  • Sel4. "Don't mistake lack of talent for genius ..."
  • Con1. "Process undervay."
  • Con2. "As soon as possible."
  • Con3. "Don't hassle me, I'm vurking on it!"
  • Con4. "About time!"
Primary Armament:Slow Pellet StunnerArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:ConverterArmour Strength: 
Speed:5 km/hCost:200
Requires:Barracks & Ix Research CentreHouse:All


  • 1. Slow Pellet Stunner: If used against an enemy, the Scientist will fire a paralysing agent from a slow pellet stunner. This will "disable" enemy Infantry temporarily without causing harm. It will even penetrate Shields. There is no effect against mechanised Units.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Convert Terrain: When a Scientist's metal-detector shaped Converter device is full charged and the Scientist is standing over a valid terrain cell, the Convert command becomes available. Deploy the Scientist to convert the cell underfoot from sand to rock, or vice versa. If any cells within one cell range of the Scientist are of the same terrain type, they will also be converted. This terraforming ability can be used to expand the borders of your base, or trap Sandworms. The terraforming process also smooths out effected terrain layers, so it can be used to flatten cratered areas to make it possible to place buildings. In Polar Missions, the Scientist can be used to Convert Snow to Ice, and Ice to Snow.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • 6 pips for Converter energy bar. Converter is fully charged when Scientists are initially produced. When they unleash the power to make a conversion, this energy bar is drained. You must then wait until it recharges for your next conversion.

4. Espionage Units

1. Atreides, Corrino Bene Gesserit

Voice Clips for Bene Gesserit:

  • Sel1. "How may I serve?"
  • Sel2. "And now?"
  • Sel3. "Do not toy with the Sisterhood!"
  • Sel4. *Using the Voice* "Begone!"
  • Con1. "For the good of our cause."
  • Con2. "Granted."
  • Con3. "We will obey ... this time."
  • Con4. "I will not fear, fear is the mind-killer ..."

Primary Armament:InterrogateArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:PersuadeArmour Strength: 
Speed:12 km/hCost:350
Requires:Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research CentreHouse:Atreides, Corrino


  • 1. Interrogate: The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood are able to control others merely by selecting tone shadings of the voice, once the clue tones for an individual have been determined. As the person has now been 'registered' (the necessary clue tones have been determined) through the Voice and observation, the Bene Gesserit will be able to Truthsay the subject, asking questions and then discovering whether or not he is lying (unless the subject believes that what he says is true). In game terms, an attempt to Interrogate works like this: A Bene Gesserit commanded to interrogate an Infantry Unit will use whispering Voice tones on the target from a distance, following the subject if he attempts to run out of range. Only Infantry are suspectible to the Voice. It will usually take a couple of seconds to register a Unit, although this varies. Units with the Strong Will ability will be particularly difficult to Interrogate or Persuade. If the Bene Gesserit's attempt is disrupted, she must begin again. For every second that the Bene Gesserit attempts to Interrogate, a pip of her mental energy is removed. Once an Interrogation is successful, the Bene Gesserit will briefly flash the colour of her House to indicate that a useful item of information has been extracted from the Unit's mind. The type of information discovered is dependent on the Unit's type, and what information has already been gleaned. These details are explained in the Interrogator Trait description below. Once a Unit has been successfully effected in some way by a Bene Gesserit, he will be briefly disorientated. During this time he will become unable to attack, and will also be temporarily immune to further attempts by the Bene Gesserit to control him.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Persuade: A Bene Gesserit Sister can also use the Voice to gain control over an enemy Infantry Unit for the duration of a single action, using the same technique and rules as above. Once the Persuade attempt is successful, the Unit comes under your control, but control of the Unit will return to the enemy once he has performed the first action that you give him. For example, you could tell him to attack one of the enemy's buildings, or walk into the jaws of a Sandworm. After issuing the command, you lose control of the Unit again, but control of the Unit will only return to the enemy once the Unit performs this action. As with Interrogation, once the enemy regains control, the Unit will have temporary docility, and immunity from being mind-controlled again. A mental energy pip will be removed from the Bene Gesserit for every second that she attempts to Persuade a Unit. If a Bene Gesserit with full mental energy uses all of her mental energy to Persuade a Unit without interruption, then the Unit will become permanently under the player's control. This will take five seconds.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Five pips to represent mental energy exerted in Bene Gesserit persuasion. It will recharge while not in use.


  • Forecast: The Bene Gesserit is able to use her honed skills of observation and prediction to determine where the enemy is likely to attack next. Any Units or Structures within twice her sight range that have been targeted by the enemy will glow a translucent red.
  • Interrogator: Once this espionage Unit succeeds in interrogating an Infantry Unit, one of the following types of information will be given to you. If information about a certain topic is already known, then it will not be included for the random selection made for interrogation results. One to four items of information will be revealed during an interrogation, depending on the interrogated unit's rank. Certain Units provide special information when interrogated. These are:
    1. Atreides Fremen Special Forces: ability to see Fremen Units for a limited duration.
    2. Ordos Marauder: Heal all your Plague-infected Units, and grant temporary immunity to infection.
    3. Ordos Saboteur: Temporarily see Saboteurs, and any remote charges placed on your Structures are automatically removed.
    4. Mine Layer/Corrino Miner: All mines within a ten-cell range of the Interrogator become visible.
    5. Medic: Boost all Infantry health.
    6. Salvager: Display health of all enemy Structures.
    7. Enemy espionage Units: Entirely Random.
    8. Scientist: Random enemy unique Unit or Structure added to your Construction Bar list (also updated in Mentat Database for the duration of mission) for the duration of this mission as long as the prerequisites exist.
    For other Infantry Units, or if the information ordinarily extracted from any of the above special Units is already known, then any of the information below could be discovered:
    1. See small random radius of enemy's known map (much like a random Red Alert Soviet Spy Plane.
    2. See entire revealed map of enemy (overlaid on your Mini Map).
    3. The enemy's Units will update your Mini Map for the duration of the mission.
    4. Update Mentat Database with a single unknown enemy Unit (if selected, the Unit is then shown with its true name, such as "Harkonnen Desolator", as opposed to "Enemy Unit").
    5. Display enemy's power level (shown by clicking on any of his power-producing Structures).
    6. Display enemy spice storage (shown by clicking on any of his Silos or Refineries).
    7. Display enemy production (at Construction Yard, Barracks, Vehicle Factory, or Airbay) (shown as a Unit icon when clicking on the appropriate Structure).
    8. Display enemy missile stock (shown when clicking on the enemy's Missile Attack Centre).
  • Leech: If a Bene Gesserit gets within melee range of an Infantry Unit, she can reach out and draw health from him. His hit points will be transferred to herself. She will use this command automatically when near enemy Infantry units. If she reaches full health, she cannot drain any more from her enemy. If near friendly biological units that are damaged, she will transfer her own health to them automatically. This will cease if she reaches critical damage. This ability has no mental energy cost.
  • Observation:Due to trained mental alertness, the Bene Gesserit can spot concealed objects in a better manner than most. She is a Bomb Expert, and also makes mines visible within a two-cell radius. However, she is inexperienced in the Dune environment, so cannot spot terrain hazards. She is also an Enhanced Detector, able to see invisible units at a five cell range. The Bene Gesserit is also able to see the true appearance of any Harkonnen Face Dancers within her regular sight range.
  • Strong Will

2. Harkonnen Face Dancer

Voice Clips for Face Dancer:

  • Sel1. "Who's next?"
  • Sel2. "I love this job!"
  • Sel3. "You want it, you got it."
  • Sel4. "Your will? Your desire? Your death warrant?"
  • Con1. "I'll do it."
  • Con2. "A deliciously evil idea."
  • Con3. "Heh heh heh."
  • Con4. "No skin off my teeth."
  • Ready. "I'm here."

Primary Armament:Imitate/DeceiveArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:InfiltrateArmour Strength: 
Speed:10 km/hCost:350
Requires:Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research CentreHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. Imitate/Deceive: With the Imitate ability, the Face Dancer (hired from the Bene Tleilax) can take on the appearance of a selected enemy Infantry Unit. As long as he is not seen by his template, or another Unit sees the two of them simultaneously, he will remain undetected. Much like the Ordos Ixian Cloak, the disguise has a limited duration, indicated by a cargo bar. Once it depletes, the disguise is lost and the Face Dancer is vulnerable. The meter will need to recharge before he can take on another appearance. The Face Dancer will only gain his template's appearance. He will retain his own speed and armour and will not gain any of the abilities of his template. After the Face Dancer diguises himself, the Imitate ability will be replaced with the Deceive ability. This is the Face Dancer abduction ability. Much like the Bene Gesserit Interrogate ability, the Face Dancer speaks to the Infantryman while in his disguised form, convincing him to divulge critical information. The success of this is dependent upon the rank of the Unit the Face Dancer has imitated. It is extraordinarily unlikely that, for example, a measly Private would be able to convince a Sergeant to tell him inside information. However, if the roles were reversed, the Private would obey orders without question, although he would know less than someone of higher rank.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Infiltrate Structure: The Unit can enter enemy buildings to appropriate information. He will remain within the building for a couple of seconds, and once he is complete, he will re-emerge and can be used again. If the enemy sells a building that the Unit is currently in, he will emerge. However, every time he enters a building there is a 50% chance that his activities will be detected. If this occurs, any method of concealing himself is lost (the power bar for the Imitate ability or Infantry Cloak is depleted), and he cannot use it again until it recharges. In addition, the enemy will be alerted to his presence in the base. For example, during Night Missions, all strobe-lights on Turrets in range will lock onto him. The following Structures provide information (usually shown over the relevant enemy Structure):
    1. Construction Yard: Building currently under construction (Structure is added to your list if you do not already have it; If you do, then a random unknown Structure is added)
    2. Wind Trap/Advanced Wind Trap/Solar Battery/Geothermal Station: Displays the Enemy's Power Level.
    3. Refinery/Advanced Refinery/Silo/Advanced Silo: Enemy's Spice Storage Level and financial status.
    4. Barracks/Vehicle Factory/Airbay: Unit currently being constructed at this facility (Unit is added to your list if you do not already have it; If you do, then a random unknown Unit that this Structure can build is added)
    5. Command Outpost: Remove all Shroud that has been removed from the enemy's Mini Map, and briefly reveal all his stealth Units. The opponent continues to reveal Shroud through troop movement until the infiltrated Outpost is destroyed, and this information will update your own Mini Map. In Multiplayer games, you will also receive all messages sent by the infiltrated player.
    6. Missile Attack Centre: Number and types of Missiles currently stockpiled or under construction (Missile is added to your list if you do not already have it). It will also reset the timer for any Missiles currently under construction.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Five pips to represent imitation duration. The Face Dancer can distort his features for thirty seconds. Afterwards he will need to rest, during which time the energy bar will recharge rapidly.


  • Interrogator

3. Ordos Spy

Primary Armament:InfiltrateArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament: Armour Strength: 
Speed:14 km/hCost:350
Requires:Upgraded Barracks & Ix Research CentreHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Infiltrate Structure
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Engage Infantry Cloak
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Five pips to represent cloak energy. Cloak will operate for thirty seconds. Afterwards will recharge rapidly.

4. House Commanders

1. Atreides Heroes

1. Gurney Halleck

Voice Clips for Gurney Halleck:

  • Sel1. "Yours to command, my Lord."
  • Sel2. "Sire?"
  • Sel3. "Your will?"
  • Sel4. *Impatiently* "My lungs taste the air of Time, blown past falling sands..."
  • Con1. "As you wish."
  • Con2. "Behold, as a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work."
  • Con3. "And the water which thou takest out of the river shall become blood upon the dry land."
  • Con4. "They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity of the sand."

Gurney, the troubadour warrior and Paul's companion and teacher, is used for special military operations, and to ensure that the Emperor's mining quota is met. Following the Betrayal at Arrakeen, he is believed to be slain in battle; instead, he has survived, and takes refuge with the Smugglers in your absence. When recovering atomics from the Smugglers in preparation for blowing the Shield Wall, he is discovered and rejoins the Atreides for the final missions.

Primary Armament:9mm RP Assault RifleArmour Type:Flak Jacket / Shield
Secondary Armament:Grenade LauncherArmour Strength:High
Speed:15 km/hCost:N/A
Requires:N/A (Available in certain Campaign Missions)House:Atreides


  • 1. Fire 9mm RP Assault Rifle
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Activate/Deactivate Shield Belt
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Heroism: The Commando comes under your control having already attained the highest level of veterancy: Colonel. He automatically has maximum rank and all experience bonuses, such as special abilities gained at certain ranks. Therefore, he has already been awarded the Self-Heal (Corporal) and Officer (Captain) abilities.
  • Indispensable: During Campaign Missions, if this Unit is allocated to you for a mission and is killed, then the mission is automatically a failure.
  • No Squashable
  • Scaling: This Unit is equipped with climbing axes. He will automatically scale cliff sides and climb over any Concrete Walls or Sandbag Barriers in his path.
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Grenade Launcher)

2. Duncan Idaho

Duncan, Ginza Swords Master and long-time friend of Paul Atreides, is used for early diplomatic missions, when negotiating alliance with the Fremen. He is slain at Arrakeen's overthrow. It is possible to resurrect him as a ghola later on, if you are willing to perform a service for the Bene Tleilax as a tertiary objective.

Primary Armament:9mm RP Assault RifleArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:Grenade LauncherArmour Strength:High
Speed:20 km/hCost:N/A
Requires:N/A (Available in certain Campaign Missions)House:Atreides


  • 1. Fire 9mm RP Assault Rifle
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Fortify/Exit
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Heroism
  • Indispensable
  • No Squashable
  • Scaling
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Grenade Launcher)

3. Stilgar

Stilgar, the powerful leader of Sietch Tabr, joins House Atreides as your primary Commando following the loss of Gurney.

Primary Armament:Weirding ModuleArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:Maker HooksArmour Strength: 
Speed:18 km/hCost:N/A
Requires:N/A (Available in certain Campaign Missions)House:Atreides


  • 1. Fire Weirding Module
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Mount Worm
  • 4. Thumper
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Berzerker
  • Camouflage
  • Constant Speed
  • Fremkit
  • Hazard Wary
  • Heroism (only effects Fremen Units)
  • Indispensable
  • No Attract Sandworms (Adopted Irregular Walking Patterns)
  • No Squashable
  • Reclamation
  • Scaling

2. Harkonnen Heroes

1. Count Glossu 'Beast' Rabban

Primary Armament:Plasma RevolverArmour Type:Flak Jacket / Shield
Secondary Armament:Plastic ExplosiveArmour Strength:High
Speed:8 km/hCost:N/A
Requires:N/A (Available in certain Campaign Missions)House:Harkonnen


  • 1. Fire Plasma Revolver
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Place Plastic Explosive: The Unit is equipped with satchel-charges, which can be used to instantaneously blow up buildings (like the Saboteur, but the Unit is not lost) and Vehicles.
  • 4. Activate/Deactivate Shield Belt
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Heroism
  • Indispensable
  • No Squashable

2. Guard Captain Iakin Nefud

Primary Armament:Multi-Chamber Grenade LauncherArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:Plastic ExplosiveArmour Strength:High
Speed:10 km/hCost:N/A
Requires:N/A (Available in certain Campaign Missions)House:Harkonnen


  • 1. Fire Multi-Chamber Grenade Launcher: The Unit is equipped with an advanced version of the Light Infantry's Grenade Launcher, outfitted with a variety of grenade types, making it a very durable weapon.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Place Plastic Explosive
  • 4.
  • 5. Incendiary/Frag/EMP/Proximity Grenade: Clicking on this button will cycle through the grenade options, selecting the grenade that the primary fire function will use. The Incendiary Grenade is your weapon of choice against organic targets, inflicting flame damage on contact. The Fragmentation Grenade is useful against most targets, with an average damage and wide blast range. It bounces like the standard grenades. The Electrosonic Grenade, part of a limited batch stolen from the Atreides, briefly deactivates mechanical targets on contact. Finally, the Proximity Grenade is much like a mine. It remains where it is shot until a unit walks near it, when it will then explode. This Grenade is particularly effective against mechanical targets. Only four Proximity Grenades can be active at a time.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Heroism
  • Indispensable
  • No Squashable

3. Doctor Yueh

The Traitor. Yueh is used to a limited degree, primarily to sabotage the Arakeen Shield Generators for the Sardaukar forces to move in during the Betrayal at Arakeen mission. You will also need to guide him through Atreides forces without detection towards a Harkonnen Outpost in order to deliver security information in an earlier mission.

Primary Armament:HealArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:NarcoticArmour Strength: 
Speed:12 km/hCost:N/A


  • 1. Heal
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Narcotic
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Immune to Disease
  • Indispensable
  • No Squashable
  • Self-Heal

3. Ordos Heroes

1. Torbin Jarrett

The sneaky Ordos spy-for-hire Torbin Jarrett has been rigorously trained in the arts of subtle terrorism; a great asset to the House, this flexible agent is your key to first-rate espionage, thievery and exhumation.

Primary Armament:HijackArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:InfiltrateArmour Strength:High
Speed:14 km/hCost:N/A


  • 1. Hijack Vehicle
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Infiltrate Structure: An experienced and gifted agent, Torbin is able to perform even greater feats when infiltrating enemy Structures. When entering an enemy power generator (such as a Wind Trap), he will not only reveal the enemy's power level, but also disable this power plant for a duration of thirty seconds. This could conceivably cut the enemy's power, shutting down their defenses. When entering a Refinery or Silo, he will not only reveal the enemy's spice storage, but also steal half of the enemy's credits (as with the Marauder's Thief ability). When entering an enemy Command Outpost, he will reset the enemy's Shroud.
  • 4. Release/Return Hunter Seeker
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Heroism
  • Indispensable
  • No Squashable
  • Jury-Rigged Cloak: The Unit is equipped with a reverse-engineered Ordos model of the Ixian Infantry Cloaking Device. Unlike its counterpart, it does not suffer from a limited power supply, and will operate indefinitely. However, the Cloak was found to interfere with targeting mechanisms, and so it cannot be installed in armed Vehicles. It is permanently engaged, though the Unit will uncloak if any action other than moving is taken. The usual Cloaking rules will apply. Because this adapted technology has yet to be perfected, the cloaking device will occasionally malfunction, briefly revealing the Unit. This gradually worsens with increased damage. The technology remains unpredictable. Usually, the cloak will simply become inoperative once the Unit is critically harmed. In some rare cases, cloaks have been known to actually explode with massive splash damage when this occurs.

2. Siguld Krieger

Siguld joins your forces on most missions where the Smugglers provide aid to you. A first-rate technician and tinker, king of the Salvagers, Siguld will help you to upgrade your Vehicles beyond their believed capabilities.

Primary Armament:InstallerArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Health:StrongRange:Very Short
Speed:15 km/hCost:N/A


  • 1. Retrieve Module: Sometimes when Vehicles are destroyed, they will leave salvagable components among their scrap that can jury-rigged onto your own Vehicles. Only this Unit, the Scavenger, can see these modules (which appear as bonus crates), and only he can pick them up for distribution. Running over the crates will not activate them. The Scavenger must pick it up (a collectable module is indicated by a grabbing hand cursor), and install it in a Vehicle (a cursor displaying a peg being slotted into a hole will be shown over a valid Vehicle target). The kind of module dropped by a destroyed Vehicle is relatively random, but the options are limited to the technology within the destroyed Vehicle. For example, a Devastator may yield a Plasma Cannon (installed as a secondary weapon if a slot is available) or a Self-Destruct Device (if the Deploy slot is available). A Suspensor Boat could yield a Torpedo Launcher or Suspensor System. If the scrap has been collected or disintegrates before the module can be retrieved, the module is lost.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Install Module: This command is used to attach the most recently collected module to a Vehicle.
  • 4. Drop Module: This command is used to return a module to the ground at the Scavenger's current location. The Scavenger will move out of the way once it is dropped. This option is unavailable if the current location is occupied, or the Scavenger is not carrying any modules.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • 5 pips for cargo capacity. The Salvager can hold up to five upgrade modules collected from battlefield wreckage.


  • Heroism
  • Indispensable
  • No Squashable

4. Corrino Heroes

1. Count Fenring

Primary Armament:Stasis CannonArmour Type:Flak Jacket
Secondary Armament:Teleport BeaconArmour Strength:High
Speed:15 km/hCost:N/A


  • 1. Fire Stasis Cannon: This prototype weapon uses an incidental side-effect of time-space distortion technology in an offensive manner. The cannon releases a stream of energy at its target, and the victim struck by the beam is immediately teleported. However, a target destination is not selected, so the victim will return to its current location. As the beam has not yet dissipated when he returns, the two objects will be forced to occupy the same space. Result: instant disintegration of the subject. The resulting stasis shockwave, an explosive flash of bright light and noise, also stuns all Units within a cell's radius of the victim for ten seconds. This effect is similar to the Electrosonic shutdown, but also effects organic Units. The Cannon takes a few seconds to charge up between shots.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Drop Beacon/Teleport: The Unit is able to teleport using a beacon system. He must first deploy a marker at the location he wishes to teleport to, using the Drop Beacon command. Then, the next time he deploys (using the Teleport command), he will be teleported to that position. The beacon location must be a flat clear surface. When the Unit teleports, anything mobile within one cell's range of himself is teleported too. If anything is standing at the destination position of a teleporting Unit, the foreign object on the beacon will be vaporised when the Unit, such as Fenring, teleports to that position.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Heroism
  • Indispensable
  • No Squashable
  • Strong Will

2. Derrik Syrann

Primary Armament:Lasgun PistolArmour Type:Power Suit
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:13 km/hCost:N/A


  • 1. Fire Lasgun Pistol
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.


  • Enhanced Detector
  • Explosive Squish
  • Heroism
  • Immune to Disease
  • Indispensable
  • No Squashable
  • Power Suit (Due to House Corrino's enhanced suspensor technology, Sardaukar Infantry can jet through the air for a greater distance)
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Jump Boost)
  • Strong Will

3. Marius Alethea Blasco

As a member of the Bene Gesserit, it would be in Irulan's best interests to aid the Sisterhood in any way she can. She is expected to generally follow the Emperor's orders, but occasionally the Bene Gesserit will have their own objectives, sometimes in conflict with Shaddam's will. Achieving these usually optional side-missions will provide benefits such as additional starting credits and Units in future missions. Sometimes the Reverend Mother Marius Alethea Blasco herself will arrive on Arrakis to assist her in achieving the Sisterhood's desires.

Primary Armament:InterrogateArmour Type:None
Secondary Armament:PersuadeArmour Strength: 
Speed:12 km/hCost:N/A


  • 1. Interrogate
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Persuade
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Lie Prone


  • Five pips to represent mental energy exerted in Bene Gesserit persuasion. It will recharge while not in use.


  • Forecast
  • Interrogator
  • Leech
  • Observation
  • Strong Will

4. Vehicles

Standard Vehicle Traits:

  • Attract Sandworms
  • Smoking: Mechanical Units will periodically emit sparks and belch smoke when damaged.
  • Tracks: Vehicles leave trails in the sand from their tracks, which betray their previous movements. They disappear shortly afterwards.

Voice Clips for All Vehicles:

  • Sel1. "Commander?"
  • Sel2. "Standing by."
  • Sel3. "Reporting."
  • Sel4. "My Lord?"
  • Con1. "Yes Sir."
  • Con2. "Confirmed."
  • Con3. "Let's Go."
  • Con4. "Orders Received."

1. Light Vehicles

1. Atreides, Harkonnen Trike

Primary Armament:Heavy Machine GunsArmour Type:Light/Shield
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:72 km/hCost:300
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:Atreides, Harkonnen


  • 1. Fire Heavy Machine Guns: Effective against Infantry and unarmoured Vehicles.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Activate/Deactivate Shield Belt
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights: All Vehicles gain an additional command during Night Missions: Headlights. When the Vehicle's headlights are turned on, a cone of light is created from the Vehicle's mounted lamps. This allows it to see in front of itself, but also makes it visible to other Units. By default, Vehicles will automatically turn on their Headlights at night and keep them off during the day. If you wish, you can force the Vehicle's Headlights to stay on or off by cycling through the Headlights command.

2. Ordos Raider Trike

Primary Armament:Dual 20mm CannonsArmour Type:Light/Shield
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:90 km/hCost:320
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Fire Dual 20mm Cannons: Most effective against Infantry and unarmoured targets. Enhanced fire power, speed and armour make the Raider a more powerful and manoeuverable scout than a Trike.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Activate/Deactivate Shield Belt
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights

3. Corrino Trike

Primary Armament:Heavy Machine GunsArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:72 km/hCost:300
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Fire Heavy Machine Guns
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights

4. Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos Jeep

Primary Armament:M-60 Machine GunArmour Type:Light/Shield
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:65 km/hCost:350
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos


  • 1. Fire M-60 Machine Gun: Effective against Infantry and lightly armoured targets.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Activate/Deactivate Shield Belt
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Observation: The Jeep is the jack-of-all-trades of the Light Vehicle ranks, stronger but slower than the Trike, and faster but weaker than the Quad. While this groundcar cannot contest the Trike's speed or Quad's firepower, it is equipped with powerful sensors, allowing it to detect cloaked, subterranean and camouflaged Units within its sight range. It also reveals hidden mines, charges and illusions.
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Crusher): On gaining Sergeant rank, this Light Vehicle is given the ability to crush enemy Infantry by driving over them.

5. Corrino Jeep

Primary Armament:M-60 Machine GunArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:65 km/hCost:350
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Fire M-60 Machine Gun
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Release Passengers: The Unit is equipped to carry a number of Infantry Passengers at a time inside itself. As long as an Infantry Unit has the ability to travel in Transports, when the Infantry Unit is selected, and the cursor is placed over the Transport, an Entry cursor will appear over the Transport. Clicking will cause the Infantry Unit (or group of Infantry Units) to enter. Use the Release Passengers command to remove carried Units from the Transport. Units will exit the Personnel Carrier in reverse of their order entry. In other words, the last Unit to enter will be the first to exit.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Cargo: 2 pips for carried Passengers


  • Observation
  • Sergeant Veterancy (Crusher)

6. Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos Quad

Primary Armament:Dual AP Rocket CannonsArmour Type:Light/Shield
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:59 km/hCost:400
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos


  • 1. Fire Dual AP Rocket Cannons: Armour-piercing rockets are effective against most Vehicles.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Activate/Deactivate Shield Belt
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Sergeant Veterancy (AA Weapon): On gaining Sergeant rank, this Unit becomes able to fire at aerial Units with its weapon.

7. Corrino Quad

Primary Armament:Dual AP Rocket CannonsArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:59 km/hCost:400
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Fire Dual AP Rocket Cannons
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Sergeant Veterancy (AA Weapon)

2. Heavy Vehicles

1. Rocket Launchers

1. Missile Tank

Primary Armament:227mm Rocket LauncherArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:40 km/hCost:900
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:Atreides, Harkonnen, Corrino (Ordos may purchase from Starport)


  • 1. Fire 227mm Rocket Launcher: Uses the same technology as the Rocket Turret. Excellent against armoured targets, though vulnerable to Infantry. It is primarily a land assault Vehicle that moves more rapidly than the heavier battle tanks. It is ineffective at short range, frequently missing its target, so it needs protection at close quarters, but it is capable of hitting aerial targets.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher: Tracked Vehicles are capable of flattening Infantry Units. The extent to which this occurs without player intervention is specific to each House. Harkonnen Tracked Vehicles will default to a Move cursor over Infantry and will follow Infantry to squish them if commanded to do so. If their Mobility is not set to the lowest setting, they will automatically squish nearby enemy Infantry at any opportunity. House Corrino and Ordos will operate in a similar manner, but with an intermediate level of sadism. They will not automatically select Infantry as the priority target as the Harkonnen do. The noble House Atreides will never crush Infantry automatically, but will do so if given a direct order. You will need to Force Move the Vehicle onto the Infantry Unit, but once given this command they will follow the Unit. Even House Atreides Tracked Vehicles will squish enemy Infantry in their movement path.

2. Harkonnen Desolator

Primary Armament:"Firesphere" Rocket LauncherArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:40 km/hCost:950
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. "Firesphere" Rocket Launcher: Fires mass-destruction incendiary rockets that each create a ring of outwardly spiralling fire when they strike. This is effective for a circular radius of four cells, weakening with distance. If fired at close range, the rocket will probably consume the Desolator in the blaze. There is a considerable re-arming delay between shots. This ordnance is devastating to troops.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

3. Ordos Deceptor

Primary Armament:Baradye CannonArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:40 km/hCost:950
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Fire Baradye Cannon/Trigger: The Deceptor's Baradye Cannon launches materials used for sabotage and subterfuge relating to Spice Fields. It has a rotating barrel that allows it to switch at will between three useful canisters of distinct ammunition: the Dye (orange) Canister, Acid (yellow) Canister, and Explosive (red) Canister.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Dye/Acid/Explosive Ordnance: Use this command to cycle between the canisters and select the current one for firing. Each time that this button is pressed, the barrel rotates, and the top canister is loaded into the Baradye Cannon. The ordnance types are as follows:
    1. Dye Canister: With the Dye Canister installed, the Deceptor fires a patch of harmless dye onto the sand that resembles a Spice Field. When laying down this ordnance, you will need to Force Attack the ground. The dye fools enemy Harvesters into thinking that there is Spice at this location, and they will attempt to harvest as usual (it does not affect your Harvesters). It is a slightly different tint than true Spice, so if you look carefully you can distinguish between the two (Incidentally, this would be an excellent opportunity to use the Harvester Coldspot. Once you are aware that there is a fake Spice Field in an area, you could cover it with a Coldspot to keep your Harvesters away with minimum complications). The dye application cursor is only available on sand cells. If you attempt to apply dye to an existing Spice patch, there is no effect. The enemy Harvester will collect this fake Spice, fill its cargo bays, return to the Refinery and continue to harvest, but the enemy shall receive no credits for this fake Spice. The useless fake Spice will be discarded in the refining process, so it will not occupy Silos. The Dye will gradually evaporate a while after being applied.
    2. Acid Canister: In addition to the benign Dye ordnance, the Baradye Cannon is equipped with two more harmful modes. With the Acid Canister installed, the Deceptor launches a chemical that splashes over a wide area of Spice and then reacts with it, making infected Spice cells acidic in nature. Units walking over the Spice will suffer damage (with Infantry receiving the worst effect), and collected Spice will damage the Harvester during the time it is in the Harvester's cargo bay, and harm the Refinery during the refining process. Although the enemy shall receive credits for the refined Spice, the acidic Spice will be stored, also causing damage amongst any Silos that it is distributed. Once applied, the acidic Spice will wear off after two minutes.
    3. Explosive Canister: The final ordnance of the Baradye Cannon cannot be applied to sand, but like the Acid ordnance must be applied to existing normal Spice Fields. It infects the patch of Spice (a single cell) with a miniature explosive that is collected with the Spice during harvesting. Once an Explosive Spice Pellet has been placed, the Deceptor's "Trigger" button becomes available, replacing the Fire Baradye Cannon icon. Activating the Trigger button will detonate the mini-explosive that has been dropped by this Deceptor, whether in a Spice Field (it will destroy any Spice in the blast radius), in a Harvester, or stored in enemy Refineries or Silos. The Deceptor cannot fire another Pellet until the last one has been detonated, or it has been otherwise lost. The Fire Baradye Cannon icon can be return by switching to one of the other two ordnances, but on the Explosive Canister, the ability to fire another Pellet will not become available until the Pellet has been Triggered. There is a one minute delay between the detonation of a pellet and the construction of a new one inside the Deceptor's canister, during which the ability to Fire with this ordnance activated becomes unavailable. The explosive can also be fired at an enemy Vehicle or Aircraft (but not Infantry) and it becomes lodged on the hull. The explosive can then be detonated at will. The explosive is also equipped with a basic sensor array that transmits visual data for a range of 12 metres (4 cells). In other words, it uncovers Shroud wherever it might be carried. This ability is of course lost once the explosive is detonated. This "Leech" can be removed by visiting the Repair Pad.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

4. AA Tank

Primary Armament:35mm AA Missile LauncherArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:45 km/hCost:850
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:All


  • 1. Fire 35mm AA-Missile Launcher: Dedicated mobile air defence platform. Although the AA Tank is incapable of attacking ground Units, it is unequaled in AA-capability. It is more effective against aerial Units than the Rocket Turret, with the additional benefit that it is mobile. Although it does not have the range of the Missile Tank, its armament is lighter, and therefore it is able to have greater armour and speed than the Missile Tank. Aircraft that get within range of an AA Tank have little hope of emerging unscathed.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

2. Basic Tanks

1. Tiger Tank

Primary Armament:75mm CannonArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:50 km/hCost:550
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:All


  • 1. 75mm Cannon: Effective against Infantry and light to medium armoured targets. The Tiger Tank is a standard light tank, relying mainly on increased speed and firing rate to compensate for a lack of firepower and armour compared to the other standard Tanks.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Radar/Jammer: This Unit has the ability to disrupt the enemy's radar from a distance. When the Tiger is in Jammer Mode, and it is within a fifteen cell range of any Command Outpost (excluding your own), the effected player's Mini Map will be rendered useless, awash with static, until the Tiger is removed. In addition, any player Units, including the Jammer itself, within this same range are invisible on the enemy's Mini Map. You can also toggle the Tiger to Radar Mode, where the Jammer will be disabled, but the Tiger's Sight Range will be doubled, making it a very effective scout.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

2. Combat Tank

Primary Armament:105mm CannonArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:40 km/hCost:700
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:All


  • 1. Fire 105mm Cannon:Effective against most Vehicles. The Combat Tank returns from Dune 2000 as a medium strength combat tank, equipped with stronger armour and increased firepower over the Tiger Tank, but with reduced speed and rate of fire.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Fortify Position: Engaging this deploy command will surround the Unit with a circular defensive earthworks, increasing the Unit's protection against damage. However, it will be unable to move until the fortified wall is removed.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

3. Behemoth Tank

Primary Armament:Dual 105mm CannonsArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:30 km/hCost:850
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:All


  • 1. Fire Dual 105mm Cannons: Very effective against highly armoured targets. With twice the firepower of the Combat Tank, the Behemoth is an extremely effective assault weapon. Heavily armoured, it is ideal for base assaults, but hindered by an increased lack of maneouverability due to the weight of its armour and armament.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Camouflage Tent: Use this command to erect a Camouflage Tent over the Unit. The camouflage patterns will blend it into the terrain, concealing it from enemy sight and the Mini Map. The Unit becomes inactive while the camouflage is set up, but makes an excellent device to establish ambushes and hide armoured movements from the enemy.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

3. Siege Tank

Primary Armament:200mm Artillery CannonArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Health:MediumRange:Very Long (Extreme)
Speed:20 km/hCost:1000
Requires:Vehicle FactoryHouse:All


  • 1. Fire 200mm Artillery Cannon: (if deployed) The latest incarnation of the Siege Tank is equipped with an immensely powerful artillery weapon. Once deployed, the Siege Tank can lob explosive shells at distances of up to two screens. However, the Artillery shells are slow and somewhat inaccurate. This inaccuracy accelerates with reduced distance, until eventually by Medium attack range, it is almost impossible for the Siege Tank to hit a target, and therefore will need to be protected at close range by other Units. It is best used to massacre the enemy's base Structures from behind the front line. The artillery shells are so heavy and widely damaging that they will deform terrain that they strike, creating vast craters. It is slow and fragile, and has no personal sight range. As it is blind, it will need to rely on spotters to remove the Shroud. It has a long reload rate, so must be protected during lag time.
  • 2. Move (if undeployed)
  • 3.
  • 4. Deploy: The Siege Tank's Artillery Cannon is too massive to operate on a mobile Unit. It must be assembled by deploying the Siege Tank. This takes a couple of vulnerable seconds. After the deploy period, the Siege Tank can fire, but is immobile until it undeploys. If commanded to attack a unit beyond its current range, it will undeploy if necessary, move to a better location, deploy, and fire. While the Siege Tank can be deployed on sand, each Artillery blast creates a considerable degree of Sandworm-attracting vibrations, so this is not recommended.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

3. Advanced Vehicles

1. Atreides Unique Vehicles

1. Chameleon

Primary Armament:Smoke Grenade LauncherArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:Sonic BoomArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:45 km/hCost:700
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Atreides


  • 1. Fire Smoke Grenade Launcher: Smoke grenades explode over objects that they touch, generating harmless fog clouds that decrease visibility in battle. The Enemy cannot target Atreides Units covered by this effect. The concealing gas is translucent when playing as Atreides. The Chameleon is equipped with specialised sensors that allow it to see through the gas, so a clear view is provided for the player as long as the Chameleon is in range. In addition to complicating the targetting process, smoke grenades can also be used to hinder certain Structures. For example, covering a Solar Battery with smoke will sever its contact with the orbital Solar Satellite, and it will cease to produce energy as long as the smoke remains. Completely covering an Ix Research Centre with smoke will cut off its control of any orbital satellites, and they will be permanently lost. A Chameleon can only have three grenades active on the Battlefield at any one time, and there is a reasonably long delay between grenade launches. Although unarmed, the combination of speed, invisibility and maneouvrability makes the Chameleon an ideal Atreides scout.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Sonic Boom: When this ability is activated, the Chameleon will release a powerful multidirectional rippling wave of sonic energy. The Sonic Boom takes five seconds to charge once engaged. During this time, there will be a whine of rapidly escalating pitch, which can be heard by both friend and foe in the vicinity. The Chameleon is immobile for this duration. During the last two seconds and the time that the boom crawls across the terrain, the Chameleon will become temporarily visible. When the Sonic Boom is unleashed, it extends for a radial distance of four cells. The effect damages Vehicles and Structures, but has no effect on Infantry. It will also cause severe deformation to surrounding terrain. Unlike most sonic weapons, the Sonic Boom will not harm other Atreides Units. The Chameleon will also trigger an involuntary Sonic Boom when it is destroyed.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Camouflage

2. Sandborer

Primary Armament:Electrosonic ResonatorArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:Electrical Field DischargeArmour Strength:High
Speed:35 km/hCost:900
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Atreides


  • Electrosonic Resonator: The Unit is equipped with a rotating cannon utilising Electrosonic technology, an enhanced discovery of sonic research. When fired at a mechanical Unit, it will drain all power from it, leaving it immobilised for a period of thirty seconds. Though it is slow to fire, any other Units within a cell's range of the target are also disabled. So if any of your own Units are caught in the wave, they will also be effected. Any airborne Units within range of the beam will also be disabled, and as a result, they will crash to the ground and be destroyed. In addition, Units that have an energy cargo will find their store of energy depleted by the Electrosonic effect. Unit shields will also be temporarily deactivated, as well as other high-tech abilities such as Cloaking. They will automatically become active again after the thirty second period. The cannon's armament has no effect on Infantry. The Unit cannot be effected by its own weapon, but any other friendly Units in range can be disabled. The Electrosonic Resonator can be used to disable enemy raiders until backup can arrive to deal with them. When a Unit is disabled, its energy is placed in a storage cell fitted to the Sandborer. This energy can then be released upon an enemy Unit (removing the energy pip in the process), inflicting great damage upon the target. If the energy is released at a disabled Vehicle, then its energy will be restored and it will become able to move again. Any energy-storing pips it has will also be flooded with energy cargo. Only one pip of energy can be stored at a time by the Sandborer, however. The Resonator is inactive while the Unit is underground.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Submerge/Emerge: This Unit is capable of travelling underneath the sand. When standing on sandy cells, the Submerge option becomes available. Activating this ability will burrow the Unit beneath the sand, where it will essentially become Desert Bound, like a Sandworm. As the Unit travels underground, damage from attacks by Units on the surface is reduced. However, it is particularly vulnerable to weapons that travel underground such as the Razer's Mole Missiles. It is not effected by storms. It is able to travel under barriers if they pass over sand, such as Perimeter Shields. It does not attract Sandworms. Concealed underground, it is difficult to spot, visible only as a distortion in the sand. When in Subterranean mode, the Emerge option becomes available. Use this to return to the surface. When submerged, the Unit is restricted to movement on sand, and loses its ability to uncover Shroud. Terrain hazards such as Tidal Dust Basins are impassable to burrowing Units.
  • 5.
  • 6.


  • 1 pip for energy cell. Charged when energy is drained from another mechanical Unit. When this pip is full, the energy can be directed at an enemy to cause damage.


  • Electrical Field Discharge: It is surrounded by a repulsive electrical field. Although it cannot attack Units directly, any Units (even your own Units) will suffer harm if they are within one cell radius of the Sandborer while submerged. The electrical field is generated by movement through the sand, so it is useless above ground. Headlights would be useless underground, so the Sandborer has to rely on its electrical charge to produce light to see in Night Missions.
  • Desert Bound (when submerged)

3. Sonic Tank

Primary Armament:Sonic AmpliferArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:44 km/hCost:1000
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Atreides


  • 1. Fire Sonic Amplifier: The Sonic Tank uses sound waves to fire a powerful blast of sonic energy at its target. The Sonic Tank is most effective against Infantry and lightly armoured Vehicles. However, the Sonic Tank will damage all Units in its firing path -- friend or foe.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Sonic Immunity: The Sonic Tank is equipped with a recent innovation: repulsive shielding which is able to deflect sonic waves, making it invulnerable to sound weapons, including Weirding Modules. Although the sonic wave remains equally damaging against other targets, it is now feasible for a bank of Sonic Tanks to operate together as a blockade.
  • Crusher

2. Harkonnen Unique Vehicles

1. Dragon

Primary Armament:Dual Flame CannonsArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:30 km/hCost:900
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. Dual Flame Cannons: Very effective against Infantry and Structures. The fire will spread to flammable objects nearby. For example, an Infantryman on fire will ignite Infantry around him. However, mechanical Units such as tanks would not ignite, as they are mostly non-flammable. However, the flame could just as easily spread to your own Units.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

2. Devastator

Primary Armament:Dual Plasma Charge CannonsArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:25 km/hCost:1050
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. Fire Dual Plasma Charge Cannons: Powerfully effective against most Units, but slow to fire and suffering from a reduced range that is further emphasised by the Devastator's lack of maneouvrability.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Destruct: The Unit can be triggered to self-destruct, causing wide-area decrementing damage for a radial distance of four cells. Once triggered, the process is irreversible. There will be a delay period of a couple of seconds before detonation, so the Unit could still be destroyed by enemy fire before it actually causes harm. During this time, it will be immobile, covered with an electrical effect. The resulting vibration will cause Sandworms to flock to this area if the self-destruction occurs on sand.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher
  • Unstable: There is a chance that the Devastator's volatile self-destruct mechanism could malfunction and activate without the player's will if the Devastator's hull is stressed by excessive rocking (movement over rough terrain).

3. Demolisher

Primary Armament:345.5kg Atomic Warhead ProjectorArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Health:MediumRange:Very Long
Speed:15 km/hCost:1200
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. Fire 345.5kg Atomic Warhead Projector: This rocket projectile is ideal for intense Structure demolition from a very long range. Very slow re-loading time. Most strikes are usually over before a Demolisher gets a chance to fire again. Equipped with advanced scanning devices to provide a considerable sight range. Very light armour. The combined weight of armour and the heavy rocket would cause the Demolisher to sink into the sand if it were otherwise.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher
  • Radioactive Ordnance: Upon striking, the Unit's ammunition causes radioactive fallout in the target area for a certain amount of time. A wave of fire will also whip out from the epicentre of the blast crater. Infantry Units entering this area will be contaminated with Radiation Sickness (indicated by a yellow Atomic symbol in the top left corner of the Unit's onscreen image). The health of contaminated Infantry will slowly wear down until they die, and they will also irradiate nearby Units. Medics are inadequately equipped to cure Radiation Sickness. Contaminated Infantry must be treated at the Hospital. Although only Infantry suffer damage from radiation, Vehicles can also contract radioactivity, and will continue to spread it. They also cannot be sold until the radiation wears off. Contaminated buildings cannot be sold until the radiation reaches a safe background level. Buildings cannot be placed in radioactive zones. The radiation makes the Mini Map image over this area hazy and indistinct. Rapid clicking sounds are heard when the cursor is placed over radioactive areas, like a Geiger radiation counter. The rate of crackling decreases as the cursor is moved away from the radioactive zone.

3. Ordos Unique Vehicles

1. Crippler

Primary Armament:Electronic DegeneratorArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:60 km/hCost:900
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Fire Electronic Degenerator: Like the Deviator Gas, this weapon is able to interfere with the controls of enemy Vehicles. It causes marginal damage, but will effect circuitry such that the sight range of the Vehicle will be halved until it is repaired at a Repair Pad, severely hindering the Unit. The Electronic Degenerator also reduces the speed of enemy targets. Units under its effect are slowed down, the weight of their armour depending on the degree. Heavily armoured units become locked in place. Lightly armoured units are effected to only a limited degree. A couple of well-placed Cripplers can lock a tank rush in place without the range to attack your base, ready to be picked off at your leisure. The Crippler is a modified light tank with armour stripped for increased speed. It is equipped with an extremely powerful engine, permitting it to surround the enemy, flank him, reach points quickly and take up position to stop the advance. If you meet an overpowering force, you can quickly evade it. This weapon has a reverse effect when used upon your own Units -- it will double the movement rate of Vehicles. This effect is not stackable however. Multiple shots will not create any further acceleration effects. The effect wears off after a couple of minutes. It has no effect on non-mechanical Units. It can also be used on production Structures to double their rate of Unit production.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

2. Deviator

Primary Armament:"Defector" Gas Missile DischargerArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:30 km/hCost:1000
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Fire "Defector" Gas Missile Discharger: The Deviator causes little physical damage, but discharges a silicon cloud that interferes with Vehicle controls and turns them upon themselves, temporarily changing the allegiance of the targeted Unit to that of the firing Unit. Personnel are not effected by the cloud. The effectiveness of Defector gas has been enhanced since the reign of Emperor Frederick. The earlier version of the deviator gas only kept a Unit under Ordos control for up to five minutes. Intensive research has improved the gas such that a deviated Unit will now remain permanently under Ordos control, unless it is restored through sufficient weapons fire. If a deviated Unit is damaged a certain number of times (preferably with a Unit that does minimal damage per shot), its allegiance is restored. Additional deviations have no effect on an already deviated Unit. They do not toggle the state. If Deviators are captured for use by other Houses, the gas changes colour to suit the appropriate House. For example, Deviators used by the Harkonnens will fire red gas.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

3. Corroder

Primary Armament:Polymer Acid SpitterArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:32 km/hCost:1100
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Fire Polymer Acid Spitter: The acid is extremely effective against Vehicles, especially Heavy Vehicles, but is poor against other targets.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

4. Corrino Unique Vehicles

1. Suspensor Boat

Primary Armament:Torpedo LauncherArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:45 km/hCost:800
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Fire Torpedo Launcher: The Suspensor Boat is a hovering Vehicle equipped with a battery of torpedoes, effective against most Vehicles and Structures. The Suspensor Boat was constructed to be lightweight in order to permit a suspensor field, and is therefore very weak and fragile.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Hover

2. Scorpion

Primary Armament:Lasgun CannonArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:30 km/hCost:1100
Mission:Requires Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Fire Lasgun Cannon: Effective against armoured targets, but less effective versus Infantry. This Unit can destroy any shielded Unit with a single blast of the lasgun. The source of the blast when a laser and shield contacts is quite erratic, sometimes originating within the shield, sometimes within the laser weapon, sometimes both, with no way to determine it beforehand. If the blast originates within the laser weapon, the Corrino Unit suffers damage equivalent to half its total health in an explosion.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

3. Vortex Tank

Primary Armament:Chron Portal GeneratorArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:20 km/hCost:1500
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Ix Research CentreHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Timethrust Targets: The Vortex Tank is equipped with an astonishing technology, capable of tearing apart the dimensional fabric in a localised area, creating a conduit through time and space. When the Attack cursor is clicked on an enemy unit, a shimmering Chron Portal will be created, consuming the target Unit and all others within a two-cell radius. These Units will be propelled forward in time. They will rematerialise at the same location in ten seconds (or as close to it as possible if the space is occupied). While not directly harmful, this ability is particularly effective against large assault teams, such as tank rushes. With a significant portion of the attacking wave temporarily erased from existence, it will be considerably easier to mop up the stragglers, before the disoriented Timethrusted Units later arrive amongst the smoking corpses of their brothers in arms. Safety in numbers is no longer a certainty. A Timethrust will drain 3 pips of energy from the Vortex Tank's batteries. This effect is not limited to Units; you can also use it against Structures (though Structures have such considerable mass that the Timethrust will not effect anything else nearby). For example, say a Tactical Missile is heading for your Ix Research Centre. Timethrusting the Ix will temporarily "erase" the Ix. The Structure disappears in a translucent blur, and the missile strikes, hitting nothing but concrete. A few seconds later, the Ix re-appears, unharmed. Because Structures can only return to their original position, if an object is standing in the path of the Structure when it re-appears, the object will be destroyed, and the Structure will suffer an equal amount of damage.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Teleport Targets: Deploying the Vortex Tank will render it immobile, and create a range circle around the Unit. The cursor then becomes the Teleport cursor. To cancel out of Teleport mode, undeploy the Vortex Tank, or right-click. Once you left-click on a location on the map, the Vortex Tank, and all other units (friend or foe), within that range get teleported to the location, or as close to it as possible, if there is an obstruction. This effect is temporary, however. The Units will return to their original location after one minute. The CPG must be fully charged to safely transport the Units. It is possible to perform a teleport without full power, but there is a 50% chance that the Units will be obliterated instead. While there is no limit to the Vortex Tank's broadcast range, the greater the distance that it teleports, the longer it takes for it to "arrive". That is, the teleported Unit appears as a white silhouette, and gradually the details are filled in. During this time, the Unit is not under your control, but can suffer damage from the enemy. Therefore, you can teleport all the way across the map if you want to, but your Vortex Tank and his convoy could get obliterated before you have a chance to use them if you teleport them right into the middle of the enemy base. If you want to have the mobility necessary for an ambush attack, you'll need to sneak in closer to his base first.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • 6 pips for CPG energy. Fully charged when Unit is first created. Recharges automatically.


  • Death Combust

5. Crate-Only Special Vehicles

1. Flux Tank

Primary Armament:VariableArmour Type:Variable
Secondary Armament:VariableArmour Strength:Variable


  • Commands are Unit dependent


  • Flux Effect: This Vehicle does not strictly have any particular type. It randomly transforms into any Vehicle in the game, regardless of the player's House. Even the time between changes is variable. Nothing is certain. You could be storming through the enemy's base in the form of a Devastator, only to become a puny Raider. Or vice versa. This Unit cannot be manufactured by any of the Houses, but can only be found when picking up a Unit Crate (although you have only half the chance that one of these Units will be randomly selected, so they will be quite rare and of considerable value).

Carrier Tank

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium


  • 1. Driver Dependant: Though it is equipped with no weapon or ability of its own, the Carrier Tank's special trait is that it gains the prime attributes of an Infantryman placed inside it. You assign a driver to the Carrier Tank with the Enter cursor, as with most Personnel Carriers. However, the Carrier Tank can only have one passenger at a time. Once the driver is inside, the Carrier Tank gains the Infantryman's Primary ability. For example, if the driver is a Salvager, the Carrier Tank will become a mobile repair Vehicle. If he is a Light Infantryman, the Infantryman will fire his weapon from the comfort of this Vehicle, taking advantage of the Carrier Tank's greater armour and speed. Or if he is a Medium Infantryman, the Carrier Tank will effectively become a Missile Tank, able to fire at both ground and aerial Units.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Release Passengers: If the Carrier Tank is equipped with a driver, you can use the deploy command to remove him from the Carrier Tank, making it available for use by other infantry.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Crusher

4. Support Vehicles

1. Harvester

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:12 km/hCost:1200


  • 1. Harvest Spice: The Harvester collects Melange Spice from Spice Fields on Arrakis and returns it to the Refinery for conversion into solaris, the Imperial currency. If a Refinery is captured while a Harvester is unloading there, the Harvester will also come under the captor's control. A Spice Harvester is automatically deployed when a Refinery is constructed (it is dropped off by a Carryall from offscreen), and will automatically harvest nearby Spice fields on deployment, harvesting the particularly valuable Dense Spice first. In addition to being built at the Vehicle Factory, they can also be produced for equivalent cost from the Refinery. In this case, once the timecycle has ended, a Carryall will arrive from off-screen and drop the Harvester close to the Refinery. The Harvester will automatically endeavour to squish nearby Infantry that are attacking it if the opportunity arises. Harvesters will warn the player when there is no more Spice in a safe zone. They will also warn you if you accidentally send them to a hostile area, and automatically turn back unless you override their decision. They will generally endeavour to avoid enemy defences when plotting movement paths. You can keep a close eye on your wandering Harvesters with the Harvester Surveillance System.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • 7 pips for harvested Spice (each pip is worth 100 solari)


  • Crusher
  • Return: If commanded to Retreat, the Harvester will enter a Refinery with whatever spice it has, and unload. If it has no cargo, it will approach the base, and come to a halt on rock. If a Carryall is available, it will pick the Unit up if it will get the Harvester there faster than if the Harvester went on its own. If the Harvester's health is shot down to the critical level and it is under actual threat, it will automatically return to base with as much Spice as it is currently holding. A Carryall will be deployed if available and necessary.
  • Self-Repair: If damaged, the Unit will automatically repair itself without the need for a Repair Pad, and without cost. Unlike Self-Heal, Self-Repair will continue even when the Unit is performing an action. The repair rate is accelerated if the Unit is immobile, however.

2. Unique Harvesters

1. Atreides Subterranean Harvester

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:10 km/hCost:1500
Requires:Advanced RefineryHouse:Atreides


  • 1. Harvest Spice
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Submerge/Emerge (The Subterranean Harvester will remain submerged en route between your Refinery and the spice field, considerably increasing its survivability. Consequently it can access some spice fields that ordinary Harvesters would have trouble reaching, and is only really vulnerable while on rock or harvesting.)
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Cargo: 6 pips for carried Spice


  • Crusher
  • Return

2. Harkonnen Armed Harvester

Primary Armament:Passive Rotating Roof-Mounted GunArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:10 km/hCost:1500
Requires:Advanced RefineryHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. Harvest Spice
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Cargo: 6 pips for carried Spice


  • Crusher
  • Mine Sweeper
  • Passive Weapon: The weapon cannot be controlled manually. You cannot order the Unit to attack a specific enemy. It will automatically target and return fire on any hostile Unit in range, as long as they attack it first. The Unit will not stop to engage the enemy but will primarily concentrate on other activities, such as Harvesting.
  • Return
  • Rotating Roof-Mounted Gun: The Unit is equipped with a fairly weak rotating roof-mounted cannon, adequate to hold off Harvester raiders. It is very effective against Infantry and lightly armoured Vehicles, and adequate against heavier armour.

3. Ordos Stealth Harvester

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:15 km/hCost:1500
Requires:Advanced RefineryHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Harvest Spice
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Cargo: 6 pips for carried Spice


  • Crusher
  • Jury-Rigged Cloak (Although the Stealth Harvester remains cloaked while harvesting, its dust jets when expelling sand are still visible, and can betray its location. It also becomes visible while unloading. Stealth Harvesters become visible when Carryalls need to spot them for pick-up, and while being carried. Tracks could betray the Harvester's position. Armour was stripped for increased speed and to accommodate large-scale experimental Ixian cloaking equipment.)
  • Return

4. Corrino Suspensor Harvester

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:20 km/hCost:1500
Requires:Advanced RefineryHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Harvest Spice
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Take Off/Land: Unlike the Suspensor Boat, the Suspensor Harvester is able to shut down its twin-state Suspensors and land. In fact, it needs to do this in order to Harvest. It cannot Harvest while airborne. It must shut off its Suspensors and drop down in order to harvest a Spice patch or unload its cargo. As it has no tracks, it can only move around while hovering.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Cargo: 6 pips for carried Spice


  • Crusher (Only by Landing on Infantry)
  • Hover
  • Return

3. Trojan Personnel Carrier

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:45 km/hCost:900
Requires:Vehicle Factory & BarracksHouse:All


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Release Passengers
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Cargo: 5 pips for carried Passengers


  • Crusher
  • Self-Healing Contents: Any passengers will automatically regain health while in the APC as an additional incentive to use ground Transports.

4. Hyena Salvager Transport

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:35 km/hCost:1000
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Repair PadHouse:All


  • 1. Harvest Metal: The Unit can harvest metal from the wreckage of destroyed Vehicles in much the same manner as the Salvager. It harvests metal in a similar automated process as Harvesters collecting Spice, returning to the Repair Pad to unload. The Return/Retreat system operates in much the same way.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Metal Cargo: 8 pips for harvested metal currently carried. Each pip is worth 25 solaris.


  • Crusher
  • Self-Repair

5. Atreides Mobile Airbay

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:15 km/hCost:900
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Command OutpostHouse:Atreides


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Deploy Airbay: After locating an appropriate site, the Unit can be transformed into an Airbay. Once deployed, attempting to move the Airbay will return the Structure to its mobile state.
  • 5.
  • 6.


  • Aircraft Carrier:The Mobile Airbay ensures the Atreides ultimate air power. It operates in a similar manner to the Airbay Structure, but is able to move (albeit slowly) around the map. Therefore it can be used to provide reloading areas for distant Ornithopter strikes, without having to return to base. Atreides Aircraft landing on a Mobile Airbay will not only be re-armed at the usual rate, but will also be automatically repaired if necessary. Repairs will occur after re-arming is completed, and solaris will be substituted as with the Repair Pad. A Mobile Airbay is able to move while an Aircraft is docked on it. Mobile Airbays do not have the Stormsheaths of their immobile counterparts. As the Atreides Airbay is treated as a Unit, you will have to use Salvagers or the Repair Pad to repair any damage it suffers when in mobile form. It does not require Headlights; its landing lights provide sufficient illumination for Aircraft to find it and land in Night Missions.

6. Harkonnen Mobile Vehicle Factory

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:15 km/hCost:2000
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Repair PadHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Deploy Vehicle Factory: After locating an appropriate site, the Unit can be transformed into a Vehicle Factory. Once deployed, attempting to move the Vehicle Factory will return the Structure to its mobile state.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlight


  • Crusher
  • Blueprint: A shaded grid is displayed over the Unit at all times that indicates the size that the erected Structure will be. A red cell on the grid indicates that the Unit cannot be deployed because of an obstruction in that area. This makes it easier to find a convenient location for deployment.

7. Ordos Mobile Starport

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:15 km/hCost:2000
Requires:Vehicle Factory & StarportHouse:Ordos


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Deploy Starport: After locating an appropriate site, the Unit can be transformed into a Starport. Once deployed, attempting to move the Starport will return the Structure to its mobile state.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlight


  • Crusher
  • Blueprint

8. Corrino Mobile Barracks

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:15 km/hCost:1000
Requires:Vehicle Factory & BarracksHouse:Corrino


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Deploy Barracks: After locating an appropriate site, the Unit can be transformed into a Barracks. Once deployed, attempting to move the Barracks will return the Structure to its mobile state.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlight


  • Blueprint
  • Crusher
  • Hover (automatically suspends when moving, and lands when idle)

9. Mobile Construction Vehicle

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:15 km/hCost:2000
Requires:Vehicle Factory & Repair PadHouse:All


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Deploy Construction Yard: After locating an appropriate site, the MCV can be transformed into a Construction Yard.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlight


  • Crusher
  • Blueprint

5. Aircraft

Standard Aircraft Traits:

  • AA Vulnerability: Aircraft can only be hit by Anti-Air weapons, such as Rockets.
  • Above Barriers: All Aircraft can fly over base barriers, such as Perimeter Shields. They are also not effected by terrain. They can fly over even the tallest Mountains.
  • Aircraft Maintenance: Some Aircraft must land at an Airbay to re-arm after firing their payload. When armed air Units get attacked while landed, they won't just sit and take it. They will take off and attack their aggressors. Atreides Aircraft can use the Mobile Airbay to repair, although this can also be achieved by landing at the Repair Pad. When an Aircraft lands on a Repair Pad, it can be sold in the same manner as Vehicles.
  • Air Crash: Air Units have different ways of being killed. Although sometimes they might completely disintegrate in the air, usually the wreck will crash to the ground, causing damage to any Units below. There will also be quite a bit of splash damage as shrapnel flies in all directions from the impact. For aircraft in motion at the time of destruction, rather than floating in one position, they should keep their momentum in that direction and keep on flying, with rapidly decaying altitude. The location where the plummeting craft hits will take damage, be it harmless terrain, an enemy Structure or Unit, or a component of your own precious base, depending upon its location and flight path.
  • Blind: Aircraft generally are unable to move into shrouded areas, revealing them. They can reveal Shroud en route to a destination, but gain no move cursor over the Shroud itself.
  • Payload Routing: Aircraft don't have to be micromanaged to continue to attack a target. Once given a target, an Aircraft will drop its payload on the target, then head back to its Airbay, rearm and continue to engage the target until it is destroyed. Once the target is eliminated, the Aircraft will return to its Airbay if not given further instructions.

Voice Clips for All Aircraft:

  • Sel1. "Standing by."
  • Sel2. "Awaiting Orders."
  • Sel3. "Ready."
  • Sel4. "Reporting."
  • Con1. "Roger."
  • Con2. "10-4."
  • Con3. "Over and out."
  • Con4. "Engaging."
  • Ready. "Aircraft ready."

1. Standard Aircraft

1. Light Ornithopter

Primary Armament:Air-to-Air MissilesArmour Type:Light
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:400 km/hCost:800


  • 1. Fire Air-to-Air Missiles: This Aircraft is dedicated to take out other aerial Units, which it does effectively. This weapon has no ammunition limit.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Paradrop/Release Passengers: If the Aircraft has landed, the Release Passengers option becomes available if the Aircraft is carrying troops. Activating this option will deploy the troops from the transport. If the Aircraft is in the air and is carrying troop cargo, then the Paradrop Passengers option is available. In this situation, the Aircraft can be commanded to drop its load in the air. They will be dropped as paratroops in the same manner as Red Alert paratroopers. While using this approach will allow the Aircraft to get in and out of enemy air space quickly and more safely, the troops will be vulnerable while floating down, unable to fire. If done in time, it will also allow your troops to bail out if the Aircraft's destruction is imminent. If the Aircraft is shot down during flight, any Infantry Units carried inside will also be killed in the crash.
  • 5. Afterburner: The Aircraft is equipped with Afterburners. When the Afterburner engine is engaged, the Unit moves at twice its regular speed, while temporarily sacrificing its firing capability (if applicable) while the Afterburners are engaged. Due to the stresses placed on the Aircraft, there is a gradual health reduction while the Afterburners are activated. The Afterburners will automatically shut off if the Aircraft reaches critical damage, and will not be available again until the Aircraft is repaired. This ability is useful for outrunning pursuing forces, or rapid transport of troops (if applicable).
  • 6. Headlights


  • Two pips for Infantry passengers


  • Lander: The Aircraft does not have to rely on the Airbay or Repair Pad to land. It can land on any flat ground surface. This Aircraft will automatically land when not in use. Aircraft will appear on an Airbay if there is a vacant one available when built. If not, they will arrive from off-screen, and will either remain in the air or land at a suitable spot near the Airbay, depending on whether or not they are Landers.
  • No Blind

2. Medium Ornithopter

Primary Armament:ChaingunArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:350 km/hCost:1000


  • 1. Fire Chaingun: The Chaingun is particularly effective against Structures and Infantry. It can also be used to attack other aerial Units, but with limited effectiveness. This weapon has a four-"bullet" payload.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Drop Flare: The Unit is able to drop flares from above during Night Missions. A flare will produce powerful light across a wide area during Night Missions. Flares are also used as waypoint beacons in certain missions. The Unit has a limited supply, which will be replenished while docked at an Airbay or Atreides Mobile Airbay.
  • 5. Afterburner
  • 6. Headlights


  • Four ammo pips, replenished at Airbay
  • During night missions, four pips for flares. Restocked at Airbay


  • Lander

3. Heavy Ornithopter

Primary Armament:Battle Support RocketsArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:320 km/hCost:1200


  • 1. Fire Battle Support Rockets: This Aircraft fires Air-to-Ground Battle Support Rockets that are very effective against armoured targets, but weak against Infantry, and effective against Structures. This weapon has a three-"bullet" payload.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Eject Chaff: When this ability is activated, the Aircraft ejects a pack of thin strips of foil into the air as a radar countermeasure. They are used as decoy fodder, luring away missiles intended to target the Aircraft itself.
  • 5. Afterburner
  • 6. Headlights


  • Three ammo pips, replenished at Airbay


  • Lander

4. Atreides Falcon

Primary Armament:Air-to-Surface "Earthshaker" Missile LauncherArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:300 km/hCost:1200
Requires:Airbay & Ix Research CentreHouse:Atreides


  • 1. Fire Air-to-Surface "Earthshaker" Missile Launcher: Upon impact, the "Earthshaker" Missile sends sonic waves through the ground, damaging buildings nearby. Few Vehicles would be affected by this seismic weapon.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Drop Flare
  • 4.
  • 5. Afterburner
  • 6. Headlights


  • Three ammo pips, replenished at Airbay
  • During night missions, four pips for flares. Restocked at Airbay


  • Lander

5. Corrino Gargoyle

Primary Armament:Air-to-Surface Lasgun CannonArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:300 km/hCost:1200
Requires:Airbay & Ix Research CentreHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Fire Air-to-Surface Lasgun Cannon: The lasgun weapon is equally effective against all targets, but is most useful against inanimate objects due to the slow firing rate. This weapon has a three-"bullet" payload.
  • 2. Move
  • 3. Drop Flare
  • 4.
  • 5. Afterburner
  • 6. Headlights


  • Three ammo pips, replenished at Airbay
  • During night missions, four pips for flares. Restocked at Airbay


  • Lander

6. Atreides Defender

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:80 km/hCost:1200


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Hummingbird: This Aircraft, unlike the Ornithopters, uses rapid wing motion to sustain a static hovering flight position. It cannot land at any location other than the Airbay or Repair Pad, and remains in its hovering position when not in use.
  • Orb Shield: The Atreides "Defender" Hummingbird's Orb Shield projects a shield "bubble" similar to the circular Perimeter Shield generated by the Shield Generator. This smaller version has a set radius of fifteen metres (five cells). The Orb Shield can provide protection from outside harm to any Units within the range of the shield, but the usual Perimeter Shield vulnerabilities remain effective. That is, shielded Units can pass through unharmed, backlash from lasgun weapons on the shield will damage the satellite, and the Defender and the Units it is protecting are vulnerable to aerial units. The Shield is only active when the Defender is immobile. While moving, the Shield is turned off, though a blue circle will remain around the Defender to indicate where the Shield would be. If an obstruction intercepts a component of this circle, that location will flash red to indicate to the player why the Orb Shield is unable to activate. If the Defender is immobile and part of this circle is obstructed, the Orb Shield will not activate. Once immobile and without obstruction, it will automatically activate. There is never any danger of the Orb Shield obliterating Units in its path when triggered. Unlike the Perimeter Shield, the Orb Shield will remain at a constant radius despite damage, but will eventually shut off completely if the Defender reaches critical damage. If friendly Units try to move through the shield, it will automatically shut off until the obstruction is removed. The Defender is highly vulnerable to aerial attacks.

7. Harkonnen Necromancer

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:80 km/hCost:1200


  • 1. Resurrect Corpse: The Necromancer Hummingbird is equipped with an on-board axolotol tank installed by the Bene Tleilax. The Necromancer can be commanded to "attack" Infantry corpses slowly decomposing on the Battlefield. The Necromancer will close on the selected cadaver and position itself over it. If the corpse is sufficiently intact at this point, it will hover low over it, and load the corpse into the Necromancer. Inside, the cadaver is regrown in the axolotol flesh vats. A progress bar will appear below the Necromancer for a few seconds while it performs the regeneration. The Necromancer can be commanded to move at this point, but it will disturb the sequence, and the corpse will be lost. Once the process is complete, a regrown Ghola of the deceased soldier will be dropped, under Harkonnen command. Once the Necromancer releases its spawned Ghola, it will return to its usual hovering height. The Ghola will be almost indistinguishable from its original form. It will even retain the rank and experience gained during its life.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • 4 pips for ghola regeneration process. Once all pips are filled, the ghola will be released.


  • Hummingbird

8. Ordos Concealer

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:80 km/hCost:1200


  • 1. Unit Cloak/Blanket Cloak: Experimentation with the Ixian cloaking technology produced an interesting side-effect. By focusing the cloaking rays outwardly, it is possible to create a blanket effect of fifteen metres around the projector, cloaking all player Units and Structures within this range. The Ordos "Concealer" Hummingbird uses this off-shoot technology. While in Unit Cloak mode, the Concealer uses a personal invisibility device, identical in function to the Jury-Rigged Cloak, whereby it can be used very effectively for unarmed scouting. When in Blanket Cloak mode, the Concealer will render invisible all Ordos Units and Structures within a five-cell radius. Due to a weakness of the Blanket Cloak's effect at its epicentre, the Concealer remains visible while this cloak is active. Even Blanket Cloaks from other Concealers will have no effect on it. In addition, the Blanket Cloak will only remain operational while the Concealer is immobile. Units cloaked by the Blanket Cloak can move without revealing themselves, as long as they remain within this range, although they will become visible when firing. This two-stage system of regular cloaking and blanket cloaking makes the Stealth Satellite a very useful device for Ordos sneak attacks. As always, cloaked Units can be seen by Infantry and turrets at close range.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Hummingbird

9. Corrino Silencer

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:80 km/hCost:1200


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • Hummingbird
  • Vibration Dampening Cloak: The Silencer Hummingbird produces a wide-area beam which distrupts the targeting systems of Units. Projectiles weapons, especially missiles, become very inaccurate in this region. This effects both friend and foe. It can even be used to stop Tactical Missiles from acquiring targets in this region. This Unit also softens the severity of vibrations made by Units within the same range. They will be completely safe from Sandworms.

10. Ornithopter Airstrike

Primary Armament:500lb BombsArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:340 km/hCost:N/A


  • The Unit is not directly controlled by the player. Once a target for the air strike has been selected from the Palace, the Ornithopter fleet will arrive from off-screen and automatically attack it.


  • 500lb Bombs: Effective against Infantry and unarmoured targets, but also damages armoured targets. If the player is given a Palace during campaign missions, it will automatically recharge to produce the Ornithopter Airstrike at no cost. Once the Airstrike is ready, select it from the Palace and then select a target for the Airstrike. The Airstrike can also be accessed from the Aircraft Construction Bar. Sometimes the Airstrike will also be directly provided to you by your superiors to achieve certain objectives during missions, without the need for a Palace. Sometimes you will be limited to only a small supply of Airstrikes, so you will need to use them carefully. In single-player missions, if you have an active Airbay and Command Outpost, and have destroyed all of the enemy's Rocket Turrets (and any other immobile base defences that can attack air) on the board, you will be provided with Ornithopter Airstrikes. If the enemy destroys your Outpost, and/or Airbay, you will lose the Airstrike.

11. Carryall

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Medium
Speed:160 km/hCost:1100
Requires:Airbay & Refinery/Advanced RefineryHouse:All


  • 1. Pick Up/Drop Vehicle: With a Carryall selected, placing the cursor over one of your Vehicles will produce the Pick Up cursor, if the Carryall is not already carrying a Vehicle. Click and the Carryall will grab the targetted Vehicle. If given the chance to land when the Carryall reaches its next Move location, the Carryall will release the Vehicle if the terrain supports it. Then it will take off and land a short distance from this location if you do not give it another command.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Afterburner
  • 6. Headlights


  • Aerial Vehicle Carrier: If the Carryall is destroyed, the carried Vehicle is also lost. If it is destroyed while carrying a Harvester, a patch of spice equal to the amount carried by the Harvester is scattered about the debris.
  • Automatic Carrying: When it is not already occupied with processing orders given by the player, as shown above, the Carryall will automatically attend to Units requesting pick-up, such as Harvesters needing to return to the Refinery, or damaged Vehicles on the Battlefield that need to be taken back to the Repair Pad for repair (either because they have reached the health limit of their personal repair settings, or have been commanded to go for repair by the player). In Dune 2000, it would appear that the Carryalls pick up Units regardless of their distance to the base, and sometimes as a result it takes twice as long for the Carryall to drop the Unit off. A Unit could be only a few metres from the Repair Pad, but it calls for a Carryall anyway. This makes Carryall use counterproductive. Landing will also need to be much faster. Frequently the Unit is destroyed moments before the Carryall would have picked it up. Therefore in Melange, the Vehicle will calculate whether it would take longer to reach the destination by itself, or with the aid of a Carryall. If it decides that a Carryall would reach the Repair Pad faster, and a Carryall is available, the Vehicle will display a green "up" arrow icon, and will wait for the called Carryall to pick it up. If not, then it will return to the base on its own. When Carryalls are taken for repair, the Carryall will also return them to their original position on the Battlefield after they are finished at the Repair Pad. Idle Carryalls will also pick up any Retreating player Units, based on the usual algorithms for selection. When not in use, Carryalls will circle the local area.
  • Escort: If a Carryall is told to Escort a particular Unit, it will keep permanent tabs on him. It will have a higher priority for pickups than other Units for this Carryall. It will follow at a distance.
  • Lander
  • Self-Repair

12. Aerial Troop Transport

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:200 km/hCost:900
Requires:Airbay & BarracksHouse:All


  • 1.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4. Paradrop/Release Passengers
  • 5. Afterburner
  • 6. Headlights


  • Five pips for Infantry passengers


  • Lander

13. Combat Drop

Primary Armament:5 Veteran ParatroopersArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:200 km/hCost:N/A
Requires:Command Outpost, Airbay & BarracksHouse:All


  • The Unit is not directly controlled by the player. Once a target for the drop has been selected from the Command Outpost, an Aerial Troop Transport will arrive from off-screen, fly to the target location and drop a payload of five random experienced Infantry at this spot, then leave the scenario again. Once they land, the Infantry reinforcements are under your control.


  • Five pips for Infantry passengers


  • Lander

2. Unique Bombers

1. Atreides Wraith

Primary Armament:Liquid Nitrogen Blister CapsulesArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:150 km/hCost:1500
Requires:Airbay & Ix Research CentreHouse:Atreides


  • 1. Drop Nitrogen Capsules: It causes minimal damage to all targets except Structures, which are not effected. Once the target is struck, it is immediately frozen with ice, rendered inoperative. If it does not suffer any harm, it will soon thaw, and be available for use again. While frozen, the Unit is extremely fragile. Any attacks (including splash damage) will automatically shatter the frozen Unit. If it is splashed again while frozen, it will be restored. Any Units, even Atreides Units, that are splashed with the nitrogen will suffer its effects.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Target/Seek and Destroy/Anti-Unit/Anti-Structure: The fourth option, currently labelled "Target", controls the method of bombing used by these aircraft. The only exception is the Corrino Wyvern, as this has no payload, and will collide with the target for explosive wide-area damage, "kamikaze-style". Clicking this button cycles through the options of "Target" (Default option: will bomb the specific target selected by the player), "Seek and Destroy" (Will attack all Units and Structures in that area, one aircraft for each Unit or Structure), "Anti-Unit" (Will attack all Units in that area), and "Anti-Structure" (Will attack all Structures in that area). The Aircraft will use its sight range to determine the extent of the damaged area.
  • 6. Headlights

  • 5 pips for bombs, replenished at Airbay.


  • No Lander: Bombers can only land on Airbays, and will need to return here to re-arm. They also cannot be commanded to move about the map at the player's will. They can only be commanded to attack a target location, or land at a bay. Because Bombers cannot be commanded to follow a direct path, they will automatically plot movement paths that avoid enemy Units and Structures en route to their destination, or back to the Airbay. A Bomber cannot be manufactured if a bay is not available.

2. Harkonnen Phoenix

Primary Armament:Incendiary BombsArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:150 km/hCost:1500
Requires:Airbay & Ix Research CentreHouse:Harkonnen


  • 1. Drop Incendiary Bombs: Effective against Infantry and unarmoured targets, but also damages armoured targets.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Target/Seek and Destroy/Anti-Unit/Anti-Structure
  • 6. Headlights

  • 5 pips for bombs, replenished at Airbay.


  • No Lander

3. Ordos Cobra

Primary Armament:Deathwater BombsArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:150 km/hCost:1500
Requires:Airbay & Ix Research CentreHouse:Ordos


  • 1. Drop Deathwater Bombs: Weapon developed from research of the stolen Water of Life. Extremely effective against Infantry targets and Structures.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Target/Seek and Destroy/Anti-Unit/Anti-Structure
  • 6. Headlights

  • 5 pips for bombs, replenished at Airbay.


  • No Lander

4. Corrino Wyvern

Primary Armament:On-Board Wired ExplosivesArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:200 km/hCost:1500
Requires:Airbay & Ix Research CentreHouse:Corrino


  • 1. Ram: The Unit is a mechanised battering ram, laden with explosives triggered to activate on contact, causing vast damage in the kamikaze explosion. When the Wyvern detonates, whether by contact or intentionally through use of the self-destruct mechanism, in addition to the powerful explosion at the Wyvern's origin, a pulsating shockwave will thunder out from the destroyed Wyvern for a radial distance of four cells, damaging anything in its path. Suffice to say that in addition to the carnage caused by the shockwave, the Sandworm-attracting vibrations created by this effect will be substantial.
  • 2. Move
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Headlights


  • No Lander

3. Tactical Missiles

Missiles can be stockpiled (up to five per Missile Attack Centre). As well as the usual offensive capabilities, missiles can be used for defence (much like a Patriot missile system). Even Aircraft are harmed by missiles. Generic missiles will also produce fallout in addition to their other properties.

1. Generic Missiles

1. Hurricane Missile

Primary Armament:Hurricane WarheadArmour Type:N/A
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:N/A
Speed:700 km/hCost:2500
Requires:Missile Attack CentreHouse:All


  • Hurricane Warhead: Use this Missile for heavy damage over an area of a few cells. The Missile is notoriously inaccurate.
  • Radioactive Ordnance

2. Disruption Missile

Primary Armament:Compact WarheadArmour Type:N/A
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:N/A
Speed:700 km/hCost:2500
Requires:Missile Attack CentreHouse:All


  • Compact Warhead: A very powerful warhead with pinpoint accuracy, and a short focused range. Use this Missile if you want to obliterate a particular target, such as a strategically important enemy Structure.
  • Radioactive Ordnance

3. Cluster Missile

Primary Armament:Cluster WarheadArmour Type:N/A
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:N/A
Speed:700 km/hCost:2500
Requires:Missile Attack CentreHouse:All


  • Cluster Warhead: Very wide-spread, with gaps between individual missile strikes. Use this Missile to inflict moderate damage over a wide area.
  • Radioactive Ordnance

2. Unique Missiles

1. Atreides Electrosonic Pulse Missile

Primary Armament:Electrosonic Pulse WarheadArmour Type:N/A
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:N/A
Speed:700 km/hCost:3000
Requires:Missile Attack CentreHouse:Atreides


  • Electrosonic Pulse Warhead: Strikes a selected wide area with a sphere of electrical energy that temporarily disables Structures. Effected Structures will operate as if they had been manually shut down, but without erection of the Stormsheath, and such Structures will not reactivate until the disable time is over. It also temporarily renders Vehicles inoperative like other Electrosonic weapons. Has no effect on Infantry, and causes no physical damage. Airborne Units in the pulse's radius will crash. Any Units that have an attribute with an energy cargo, such as Scientist Converters, Medium Infantry Suspensors, Aircraft Afterburners and Marauder or Saboteur Cloaking devices, are also drained of power. Cargos that are not energy-based, such as scavenged metal or Spice, are not effected. This effect lasts for thirty seconds. It can also effect your own Units and Structures, so avoid sending Units into the enemy base before firing this missile.

2. Harkonnen Inferno Missile

Primary Armament:Inferno WarheadArmour Type:N/A
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:N/A
Speed:700 km/hCost:3000
Requires:Missile Attack CentreHouse:Harkonnen


  • Inferno Warhead: Raging blossom of encompassing flame (a huge version of the Desolator rocket), that roasts Infantry and destroys lightly armoured Structures. Tanks and heavily armoured Structures take little damage.

3. Ordos Nerve Gas Missile

Primary Armament:Nerve Gas WarheadArmour Type:N/A
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:N/A
Speed:700 km/hCost:3000
Requires:Missile Attack CentreHouse:Ordos


  • Nerve Gas Warhead: When the warhead hits, a cloud of corrosive nerve gas is released, killing Infantry instantly and damaging buildings and tanks. It does not discriminate, and the wind will blow the cloud in random directions, so be careful about launching it too close to your own base.

4. Corrino Neutron Missile

Primary Armament:Neutron WarheadArmour Type:N/A
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:N/A
Speed:700 km/hCost:3000
Requires:Missile Attack CentreHouse:Corrino


  • Neutron Warhead: Kills Infantry and temporarily disables Vehicles. No effect on Structures. All Units that survive the missile strike are permanently blinded by the dazzling brightness. Can be used to take whole cities intact by eliminating the inhabitants without damaging Structures.

6. Non-Player Units

1. Sandworm

Primary Armament:AppetiteArmour Type:Heavy
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:High
Speed:40 km/hCost:N/A


  • Not applicable -- computer controlled.
    Roams desert surface, devouring anything that creates a vibration.


  • Desert Bound
  • Limited Manoeuvrability
  • No Attract Sandworms
  • Self-Repair
  • Swallow
  • Worm Flee

2. Frigate

Primary Armament:NoneArmour Type:N/A
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:N/A
Speed:250 km/hCost:N/A
Requires:StarportHouse:C.H.O.A.M. Merchant's Guild


  • Not applicable -- computer controlled.
    Automatically delivers all Units ordered at the Starport. Sometimes also used as a dropship, such as when a vast number of units is being landed for an invasion at the beginning of a mission. Usually this will require some Guild affiliation.

3. Crusher Airstrike

Primary Armament:Interlocking AircraftArmour Type:Medium
Secondary Armament:NoneArmour Strength:Low
Speed:340 km/hCost:N/A
Requires:StarportHouse:C.H.O.A.M. Merchant's Guild


  • The Unit is not directly controlled by the player. It only becomes available once the player has built a Starport, and it has survived for longer than thirty minutes. If these requirements have been met, then the Guild will deliver a Crusher for your use. It will remain in orbit above Arrakis until directed. Click the Crusher's Portrait (which becomes available at the Starport), then select a target for the airstrike. The Crusher Airstrike can also be directed from the Aircraft construction list. Once a target for the air strike has been selected, the giant Crusher ship will arrive from off-screen and automatically attack this zone. The Guild will provide one more Crusher to their Ordos allies after another thirty minutes, but all other Houses receive only one Crusher per scenario.


  • Crush: Crushers are military space vessels composed of smaller vessels locked together and designed to fall on an enemy position, crushing it. Once you have assigned a target, the mammoth Crusher vessel will emerge from off-screen, position itself over the target area, break apart into its component interceptors, and smash the surrounding area to slag.

END OF CHAPTER. This concludes the Melange: Conquest of the Desert Planet design portfolio.

We thank you for your patience and interest, and hope that we have convinced you of the potential of the Dune license. This is the ideal time to revive the Dune franchise. Above and beyond the Duniverse's eternal appeal, the new prequel novels and the developing miniseries will ensure a new interest and increased popularity in Frank Herbert's works. Indeed, this article represents only one facet of the franchise's prospects. For example, a future RTS prequel could return to the time of the Butlerian Jihad, chronicling the epic war between Man and Machine during the Great Revolt. Nor do Dune games need to be restricted to the realm of Real Time Strategy. Already we are discussing the design for a strategy game of galactic management and combat (in the style of Master of Orion) centred around the events of Dune Messiah. Many more inspiring tales from the acclaimed Dune series await translation to the silicon screen.

We would love to hear your comments and queries; we can be contacted at this address. Long live the fighters!

Copyright 2000 [ Stuart Walpole & Andrew Schuurman ] All Rights Reserved

Site created January 15, 1998.
© Jesse Reid, All Rights Reserved, 2025.