A complete list of trailers can be found at SciFi's official site. We've provided a few direct links below with our comments:

« Alec Newman » Alec Newman talks about his role in Children of Dune, and how he approached Paul's complex, changing personality.

« Daniela Amavia » Daneila Amavia discusses Alia's relationship with Paul, touches on her relationship with Duncan, talks about her favorite scene, and describes working with Director Greg Yaitanes.

« James McAvoy » James McAvoy talks about why he took the part of Leto, Leto's driving forces, the stunts, and his realization that running around in a sandbox naked is a bad idea.

« Richard Rubinstein » Richard Rubinstein talks about the female characters in Herbert's Dune novels and what Herbert fans can expect from CoD.

« Julie Cox » Julie Cox talks about the relationship between Irulan and Chani and how her brother influenced her reading choices including the Dune novels.

« Susan Sarandon » Susan Sarandon talks about the "high tragedy" and "Shakespearean" scale of Frank Herbert's epic saga.

« John Harrison » John Harrison explains the choices he made in his latest adaptation of the narrative and themes of Frank Herbert's classic novels.