
House Advantages:

  • House Atreides — The Atreides reap the benefits of an extremely loyal and well-trained infantry. Third level veterans can return to the Barracks and train all their comrades to the next level of veterancy before they enter the battlefield.
  • House Harkonnen — Harkonnen units are extremely tough, well armored, and used to harsh punishment. They operate at full capacity right up to the point at which they are destroyed.
  • House Ordos — The Ordos have invested in advance regeneration technology for their units. It is far more efficient to allow units to self-repair than to build costly replacements.

Atreides Units:

N/A Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) — The MCV is the massive vehicle that enables bases to be established on Dune. By deploying the MCV, you will create a Construction Yard (Conyard). The MCV drills a shaft down into the rock from which the building materials for the rest of the base are extracted.
N/A Harvester — The Harvester is based at the refinery, but ventures out onto the sands to collect Spice.
Sand Bike Sand Bike — The Sand Bike is the Atreides scout vehicle. Armed with a light cannon for anti infantry work, and with thin armor, its main protection is speed.
Mongoose Mongoose — This is an Atreides anti-vehicle unit. Comparatively fast and lightly armored, the Mongoose uses a turret-mounted, long-range guided missile launcher to pick off enemy units from a distance and while moving. The Mongoose has a low reload rate, which means that multiple opponents can swamp it. It is quite damage resistant with a moderate decrease in speed once it has been hit.
N/A APC — The Atreides APC is designed to carry infantry safely around the battlefield. It has medium armor and speed and carries a turret-mounted 30mm cannon, which is adequate against both infantry and armored vehicles. When not moving it has the the ability to camouflage itself. To move units into the APC, select them and click on the APC. To deploy the units double-click on the APC.
Minotaurus Minotaurus — This Atreides unit carries four large cannons firing high explosive shells out to long range in a massive barrage. The resulting explosions are particularly effective against infantry. The Minotaurus has heavy armor, and is slow moving. It has trouble accurately aiming at moving targets, though the area effect of its shells compensates well.
Repair Vehicle Repair Vehicle — Many of your units will take damage during the course of battle. That is where the Repair Vehicle comes in. It has the ability to repair any mechanized unit. It has light armor and no offensive weaponry, so it will need to be well guarded.
Sonic Tank Sonic Tank — The Sonic Tank carries a devastating long-range sonic weapon that damages all targets in its area of effect. The tank is moderately fast and has medium armor. However, the gun is fixed in place and cannot be fired on the move.
N/A Carryall — The Carryall is used to ferry Harvesters around the map. They do this automatically with a computer controlled piloting system, and thus never need to be given orders. It has medium armor and no offensive capabilities.
Ornithopter Ornithopter — A high speed, but lightly armored anti infantry flyer. Carrying a missile launcher, it is best suited for hunting down isolated units. It must return to a helipad to reload.
Air Drone Air Drone — This is a small, lightly armored air unit that is used for defence. It carries an AA missile launcher that automatically fires at any air unit within range. Due to it's light armor, it is easily destroyed from enemy AA fire.
Advanced Carryall Advanced Carryall — Unlike the regular Carryall, this unit can be ordered to pick up specific units, even those that aren't under your control, and bring them to player-selected points on the map. The Advanced Carryall has heavy armor and can take a lot of punishment. It has no offensive weapons of its own.
N/A Scout — Scouts are unarmed fast moving infantrymen. Their primary job is to uncover areas of the map and keep them under observation. They have a longer than average sighting distance. To ensure their survival, Scouts are able to camouflage.
Light Infantry Light Infantry — These troops are lightly armoured, nimble, and carry light machine guns for use against other infantry. Their usefulness against vehicles is minimal. They benefit, as all infantry, from the ability to use infantry rock.
Sniper Sniper — The Sniper has the longest range of any infantry unit. Its rifle has a low rate of fire, but inflicts massive damage to infantry units. It is ineffective against all but the lightest vehicles.
Kindjal Infantry Kindjal Infantry — The Kindjal infantry carries two weapons: a small pistol for close combat, and a large tripod-mounted mortar cannon. The mortar has a long range and fires armor piercing shells. It is most effective against armored vehicles, but has the ability to damage infantry targets. The Kindjal infantreyman must be deployed to fire mortars. Once deployed, he is fixed in place until he is undeployed. The weight of the missile launcher means that the Kindjal is slow moving. They are especially effective when deployed in ambush from infantry rock.
Engineer Engineer — Engineers enter buildings and capture them for the player. They may also be used to remove leech spores and repair buildings. This unit can move through infantry rock.

Harkonnen Units:

N/A Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) — The MCV is the massive vehicle that enables bases to be established on Dune. By deploying the MCV, you will create a Construction Yard (Conyard). The MCV drills a shaft down into the rock from which the building materials for the rest of the base are extracted.
Harvester Harvester — The Harvester is based at the refinery, but ventures out onto the sands to collect Spice.
Buzzsaw Buzzsaw — This is the Harkonnen's fastest land vehicle. Slower than the Atreides Sand Bike, it is more heavily armed and armored. It has two weapon systems: two light cannons and a central blade that is used to cut down infantry and destroy Spice fields.
Assault Tank Assault Tank — The Assault Tank is massively armored and carries a large and effective mid-range cannon capable of inflicting severe damage to vehicles and buildings. It is designed to assault massed enemy forces head on. It has two drawbacks -It is very slow and its gun is fixed. This means that it may have trouble engaging fast nimble opponents.
Flame Tank Flame Tank — The Flame Tank carries two heavy side-mounted flame-throwers. This allows it to engage two enemies at once, or focus both beams forward onto one opponent (this happens when a specific target is selected). These weapons are highly effective against infantry. The flame-throwers are comparatively short ranged, but have a high fire rate. They are slightly slower then the Assault Tank.
Missile Tank Missile Tank — The Missile Tank is lightly armored by Harkonnen standards and stands off from the main fighting. It has very long-ranged guided rockets, which it fires in salvoes of eight. It then takes a long time to reload and retrain the firing tubes. Due to the weight of the rockets, the vehicle is quite slow despite its light armor.
Inkvine Catapult Inkvine Catapult — This is a long-range and lightly armored attack vehicle. It catapults canisters filled with toxic inkvine fluid that, upon impact, splash across a large area. Units take initial damage from this splash, and the gooey substance will render that area if the map toxic until it dissipates or is burned off. This is particularly effective against infantry, as they will continue to take damage until they leave the infected area. It moves slightly faster than the Missile Tank and has a higher rate of fire. It is not particularly effective against fast units, however, as they can move out of the blast radius quickly.
Devastator Devastator — The Harkonnen's heaviest vehicle, the Devastator is heavily armored and armed. It carries two large plasma guns, which have a devastating effect on armor, and can overload shields with one good hit. The plasma blast is also effective against buildings. Mounted on the roof, Devastators carry a small guided missile turret, which engages any available targets, ground or air. This turret helps alleviate to the lack of mobility that is the Devastator's biggest weakness. The player may force a self-destruct, detonating the reactor that damages any units or buildings within the area of effect.
N/A Carryall — The Carryall is used to ferry Harvesters around the map. They do this automatically with a computer controlled piloting system, and thus never need to be given orders. It has medium armor and no offensive capabilities.
Gunship Gunship — This is a slower moving, more heavily armed flyer than the Atreides Ornithopter. Firing unguided rockets, it is primarily used for hunting isolated units. It must return to a helipad to reload.
Air Defense Platform Air Defense Platform — The Air Defense Platform or ADP, is used for base defense. Its rotating cannon is primarily used as an anti-aircraft weapon, but it does have the ability to target ground units as well. It is very slow, however, making it vulnerable to AA fire.
Advanced Carryall Advanced Carryall — Unlike the regular Carryall, this unit can be ordered to pick up specific units, even those that aren't under your control, and bring them to player-selected points on the map. The Advanced Carryall has heavy armor and can take a lot of punishment. It has no offensive weapons of its own.
Scout Scout — Scouts are unarmed fast moving infantrymen. Their primary job is to uncover areas of the map and keep them under observation. They have a longer than average sighting distance. To ensure their survival, Scouts are able to camouflage.
Light Infantry Light Infantry — These troops are lightly armoured, nimble, and carry light machine guns for use against other infantry. Their usefulness against vehicles is minimal. They benefit, as all infantry, from the ability to use infantry rock.
Trooper Trooper — The trooper carries a bulky missile launcher and has moderate armor. They are slower movign than their light infantry counterparts. Their missiles are armor piercing and have a limited tracking capability. This means that the troopers have limited anit-aircraft capability, but are highly effective against vehicles. They can also use infantry rock.
Engineer Engineer — Engineers enter buildings and capture them for the player. They may also be used to remove leech spores and repair buildings. The Harkonnen Engineer also carries a pistol for defense. This unit can move through infantry rock.
Flame-Thrower Infantry Flame-Thrower Infantry — The Flame-thrower Infantry carries a short-range flame-thrower that fires a stream of flame out to the target area. These streams of flame damage all units in their path, but are particularly effective against infantry. The Flame-thrower Infantry wear heavy armor to allow them to get closer to their opponents, although this slows them down. Once again, infantry rock is usable by this unit.

Ordos Units:

N/A Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) — The MCV is the massive vehicle that enables bases to be established on Dune. By deploying the MCV, you will create a Construction Yard (Conyard). The MCV drills a shaft down into the rock from which the building materials for the rest of the base are extracted.
N/A Harvester — The Harvester is based at the refinery, but ventures out onto the sands to collect Spice.
Dust Scout Dust Scout — The Dust Scout is a fast moving and lightly armed (one light cannon) scout unit. Light armor makes it a fragile opponent. However, the dust scout can bury itself in the normally impassable dust bowls, hiding just below the surface until it attacks or is discovered by a closely passing unit. As with all Ordos vehicles, it is very susceptible to damage, with their speed decreasing dramatically once they have been severely hit.
Laser Tank Laser Tank — This tank mounts a powerful beam weapon on a turret. With exceptional mobility thanks to its hover ability, the Laser Tank can sweep across dust bowls in its primary role of fast scything hit and run attacks. Its gun is highly accurate, firing a very fast pulse. This makes it effective, even against high-speed units, and can be fired while on the move. There is a downside to using laser weapons however. If a laser is fired at a shielded unit, the laser effect is amplified by the shields which causes a cascading chain reaction that will destroy both the shielded unit, and the unit that fired the laser.
APC APC — The Ordos APC is faster and more lightly armored than the Atreides APC. It is shielded and has a small guided missile launcher in a turret, allowing it to effectively engage vehicles at range while on the move.
Kobra Kobra — This is the heaviest of the Ordos vehicles. It is heavily armoerd and carries a large howitzer, which fires high explosive shells. It has two modes. The first is its transport mode, in which it lumbers around the map with the gun fixed firing forward. Because it is slow, it can be easily outmanoeuvred. Once deployed, the gun is raised up to its firing platform, freeing up its trainable turret. This also increases its range.
Deviator Deviator — The Deviator is fast moving raider that carries a short-range missile launcher. The launcher is mounted in a turret, allowing the Deviator to engage targets while on the move. Using a mind-controlling gas warhead, one hit turns the target into an Ordos unit for a short time. Shields make no difference against the gas. The Deviator has very light armor, but is shielded.
N/A Carryall — The Carryall is used to ferry Harvesters around the map. They do this automatically with a computer controlled piloting system, and thus never need to be given orders. It has medium armor and no offensive capabilities.
Eye In The Sky Eye In The Sky — This air unit moves slowly and is lightly armored. It can be detonated over a target and this ejects a saboteur who can be used against enemy base buildings.
AA Mine AA Mine — This unit is a slow moving airborne mine. When an enemy air unit comes within range, the AA Mine detonates, releasing out a deadly volley of AA homing missiles.
Advanced Carryall Advanced Carryall — Unlike the regular Carryall, this unit can be ordered to pick up specific units, even those that aren't under your control, and bring them to player-selected points on the map. The Advanced Carryall has heavy armor and can take a lot of punishment. It has no offensive weapons of its own.
Scout Scout — Scouts are unarmed fast moving infantrymen. Their primary job is to uncover areas of the map and keep them under observation. They have a longer than average sighting distance. To ensure their survival, Scouts are able to camouflage.
Chemical Trooper Chemical Trooper — The Chemical Trooper carries a short-range poison gas projector. The projector fires a charge out to saturate an area, damaging any unit caught within its blast, though infantry will be far more affected.
AA Trooper AA Trooper — A lightly armored fast moving infantryman, the AA Trooper carries a small but sophisticated missile launcher, which enables it to track vehicles and aircraft out to a long range with ease. It does not deliver a very large warhead, so overall firepower is less than that of the Harkonnen Trooper. To keep its speed high, its armor is light. It is also capable of using infantry rock.
Engineer Engineer — Engineers enter buildings and capture them for the player. They may also be used to remove leech spoors and repair buildings. This unit can move through infantry rock.
Mortar Infantry Mortar Infantry — The Mortar Infantry supplies long-range anti-infantry support to the Ordos. Similar to the Kindjal, he must be deployed in order to use his major weapon. This unit benefits from the use of infantry rock.
Saboteur Saboteur — The Saboteur is effective against vehicles, buildings and infantry. It detonates a massive charge when it reaches its target, destroying itself but inflicting substantial damage on any surrounding units or buildings. They can move through infantry rock.

Sub-House Units:

Imperial Sardaukar Imperial Sardaukar — The Sardaukar are the Imperial shock troops. Heavily armored, they can withstand far heavier punishment than other infantry units. They carry a massive machine gun, allowing them to deal with any enemy. The Sardaukar despise crawling under fire, believing it to be a sign of cowardice.
N/A Imperial Sardaukar Elite — The Sardaukar Elite are the Imperial troop commanders and are known for their enormous strength and toughness. Like the Sardaukar troopers they can withstand great punishment, despise weakness and cannot be suppressed. They are armed with two weapons: a specially designed one handed rapid fire laser and a vicious knife that they use to kill opponents in hand-to-hand fighting.
Fremen Warrior Fremen Warrior — Fremen are the Elite infantry units armed with long barrelled rifles. Formidable desert warriors, they can glide swiftly across the desert without attracting worms. Their camoflage techniques and expert field craft make them nearly undetectable to an enemy.
Fremen Fedaykin Fremen Fedaykin — The Fedaykin are the toughest and most well-trained troops of the Fremen. They are armed with Weirding Modules, which are guns that amplify the voice into a lethal sonic beam. They are fanatical in their bravery and deadly in close quarters combat. They are also experts in camouflage and field craft and can move without attracting the notice of worms or the enemy. If they are deployed with a thumper out in the sand, they can summon worms, which they can then ride.
NIAB Tank NIAB Tank — The NIAB tank is slow moving with average armor. Instead of a single gun, it discharges huge electrical charges from any of its many ports along its length. This allows it to rapidly fire at many surrounding units, although its range is comparatively short. The main strength of the NIAB tank is its Navigator. Using its Spice-given ability to fold space, the navigator can teleport the tank a limited distance. Once it has carried out such a maneuver, it must recharge its power before another jump can be made.
Maker Maker — Makers are the Guild's infantry. They are second stage navigators equipped with a power weapon, which allows them to inflict heavy damage. This ability makes up for their poor maneuverability as they cannot move into infantry rock, and turn laboriously. Makers, for reasons unknown, are rarely if ever a target for Sandworms, Scientists have guessed that it may be due to their Spice mutation, but have no solid proof of that fact.
Projector Projector — The Ixian Projector has the ability to project an exact replica of any unit onto the battlefield, giving the impression there is a larger army present. The projection will cease to exist after either a given time, when fired upon, when an enemy unit moves close enough to see through the deception, or when the primary unit is destroyed. The player has the ability to control the projection exactly like a normal unit. The unit will look identical to enemy players, but it will be lighter in color next to your other units.
Infiltrator Infiltrator — This unit is designed to sneak around the map undetected and be deployed as a bomb. The Infiltrator is camouflaged when stationary or when moving. You can deploy it anywhere on the map, destroying or damaging anything within its blast radius. Additionally, this blast will reveal neraby stealthed units.
Contaminator Contaminator — The Contaminator is a shambling infantry unit manufactured in the Tleilaxu flesh vats. A mindless automaton that must be riddled with bullets before it collapses, the Contaminator is brimming with a genetic virus that invades any biological enemy. The Contaminator must touch the intended victim for infection to take place. The victim will then die, but rise again as a Contaminator. All victims must be destroyed to prevent the infection from spreading.
Leech Leech — The Leech fires a bio-engineered larvae at enemy vehicles. If it hits the larvae will attach itself onto the target, slowly drain the power, and convert the metals in the armor. An Engineer may remove the Leech larvae, or they can be shot off by other units. If the Leech is not removed before the unit is destroyed, it pupates and hatches into a fully-grown Leech unit.
Site created January 15, 1998.
© Jesse Reid, All Rights Reserved, 2025.