The following screenshots were taken from the trailer for Dune Emperor, each has a description with my own idea on what the screenshot contains. You can download the preview movie at the following locations:

The main title/logo for the game.

Menu to choose your mode of play, a option to pick your House appears after this. Once again you play as either the Ordos, Atreides, or Harkonnen.

Not much happening here so take a look at the sidebar. You can see the Wind Trap, Refinery, Turret and a few others.

Looks to be an Atreides barracks, check out the four types of Infantry in the sidebar.

This looks to be an Atreides base, a Harvester is on the left with a Carryall above it. Also note the "mech" like unit emerging with it's lights on.

Not the best of lighting here, but it is a bridge with Infantry crossing.

A better view of that same bridge, looks to be Ordos. Notice the "Ordos Laser Tank" in the lower right.

Looks as though you are playing as the Atreides and are choosing your next area to attack.

Hmm... ice on Dune... not likely. Perhaps you get a chance to play on the other planets, in that case this is most likely the home planet of the Ordos.

The Troopers seem to be making a return, they are in the bottom left. There seems to be by a wall of some sort along with what looks to be Gun Turrets.

You can see that mech-like unit I mentioned previously here along with some spider legged unit. There is what seems to be a Artillery of some sort as well, probably mobile.

Another view of mid-campaign screen. Looks like you will be able to save/load in between missions like in Dune 2000. The campaign map has also changed a lot, you can see the three different sides in a triangle shape.

Wow lots happening here. Take a look at the sidebar, seems like there will be a wide variety of Infantry available. There is also what looks to be a flame tank, my guess is they are a Harkonnen unit.

Everything is exploding in this capture. Notice how much the graphics have improved over Westwood's previous RTS games.

It seems the battlefield is zoomed out here, not sure if this is just something done for the preview movie or if it will actually make the final cut. Looks like some Trikes are racing through the middle of the screen.

Bad lighting again in this capture, but it does imply that there will be different levels of light during gameplay.

The building explodes with a huge fireball, just before this there is a group of what look to be Orni's flying overhead so it could be a bombing run.

The Sandworm emerges from the sand, they are huge compared to past Dune games, the way it should be!

Another capture of the Sandworm, leaves me to wonder what kind of role they will play in the game now that they are so much larger.

Ending of the movie, you would get a nice view of the Sandworm, to bad the text is blocking it :)

You can just make out the "Ordos Gas Turret" in the lower right. Wonder if that will be the same as the Deviator gas...

You can see the Harkonnen Devastator at the top, their Buzzsaw unit can be found in the middle of the screen.

The Sandworm has those three Infantry, I still can't get over the size of the Sandworms, they are huge.

The Sandworm is just emerging from the sand, firing at it now won't do you much good. :)

I don't know what fired this or what exploded but it must have been big.

The Ordos Saboteur, it looks to be heading toward that building, one of them could have been what caused that explosion.

The Harkonnen Buzzsaw from a bad angle. Look to the next image to get a better view of it.

The Harkonnen Factory along with the Harkonnen Devastator and Buzzsaw attacking what look to be Ordos units, probably Raider Trikes.

This looks to be some sort of spy plane flying over the Harkonnen base. Once they are destroyed the Infantry parachute out.

Once again over the Harkonnen base, you can see the Devastator and some Infantry along with other tanks.

This is a battle between the Harkonnen and Ordos. You can see the Harkonnen Flame Tank, Heavy Tank, and Devastator. There is also what look to be Ordos Deviators at the bottom of the screen.

The Ordos and Atreides battle it out on the Ordos' home planet. You can see some sort of long range Artillery here.

In this capture you can see that Artillery I mentioned is called the Ordos Kobra.

The Atreides Minitoraus just after being built. This looks to be a mech unit, maybe replacing the regular tanks the Atreides had in Dune 2000.

The Tleilaxu Contaminator is seen here, interesting that the Tleilaxu are in the game this time, probably helping the Ordos.

An Atreides Harvester just leaving the Refinery. You can see what looks to be a health meter above it.

You can see the Atreides Factory on the right blocked somewhat by the sidebar.

Another image of the battle on the Ordos' planet, the Ordos Gas Turrets are firing and you can see a hover/flying unit in the bottom left.

That one Infantry unit didn't have much chance against all that defense.

The Atreides Barracks just after it has finished being built.